Jetta88's Forum Posts

  • Oh snap.. New Shooting Gallery Assets.. Time to make my "Duck Carnival 2!!" Thank you Kenney!

    Original "Duck Carnival" ... rnival-762

  • Nice find!

  • >

    > Pretty much this. I always test out new features with beta builds. Now I manage to open my project, but I have to now click "Retry" when the error message pops up to continue in my project.


    Please test if updated plugin works for you in editor beta version

    It's been fixed. Thank you.

  • Yeah.. I thought about changing up the HUD.. It's been there since the first DSBA I created two years ago..

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  • ThePhotons

    The id of expressions should not be duplicated (now they all are 0). It might rise errors while using this plugin in beta version.

    BTW, scirra would not response bug reports of 3rd plugin.


    Pretty much this. I always test out new features with beta builds. Now I manage to open my project, but I have to now click "Retry" when the error message pops up to continue in my project.

  • photon breaks Latest beta r208, throws an error screen an launching construct2

    This... This needs to be worried about..

    Can't even open C2 to continue my project and I wish to use Proton. I can't revert back to older version otherwise I won't be able to open my project.. So please fix your plugin..

  • Try Construct 3

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    If you're making $5k+ from C2. Just stop being cheap and pay a few more dollars for the Business License. Geez..

  • Congrats on the accomplishment!

  • I accidently deleted the full game's .capx so I have to edit the demo. Also I need Phone Calls and other stuff. I'll figure it out sooner or later

    That's why you need to put your .capx on Dropbox or Google Drive..

  • I use 960x540 (Landscape) or 540x960 (Portrait) then it scales perfectly after I export Android (Crosswalk) with Intel XDK.

  • If Microsoft can keep their promise of Xbox One will possibly run Windows 10 apps from the Store, then you may see your C2 game running on the One, if the upcoming exporter will support it.

  • Select the layout that you want to copy, Right Click and select "Duplicate" and if you want to use the same code from the first layout on to the copied one, then you need to make sure that Event sheet is matched as well from the Layout Properties.

  • I hope Microsoft do a better job of audio support in W10 than the complete lack of audio features currently in IE11. Maybe they'll ship W10 with Chrome .

    You do know Microsoft got rid of Internet Explorer with the upcoming release of Windows 10 right?

  • According to Intel, you can notify Google that your Crosswalk 7 app is actually secure and avoid it being taken down. See:

    To be honest, why should we do this everytime we release our game under Crosswalk 7. It's kind of frustrating that our games have to rely on the oldest version of Crosswalk to maintain a decent framerate. Yes, exporting and signing is easier than CocoonJS, but the performance is what's killing everything.