> That's the only version of Visual Studio 2015 for people like us. VS 2015 RC was basically the Release Candidate, but now it's renamed to Community and yes there's a Windows Phone emulator.
> Also..
> [quote:17e3lkzm]Note: VS 2015 Community does not support developing for Windows 10 until July 29. Continue to use Visual Studio 2015 RC until July 29 if you are developing Universal Windows apps.
Hey thanks a lot!
I am on the Windows 10 Technical Preview right now. I think on previous versions on Windows you needed to have atleast Pro edition inorder to use the Emulator (with HyperV). So I am not sure if the tech preview or editions that we all will be getting for free will allow us to use the Emulator. Do you have any information on it?
I am dying to release my game (link below) for Windows
Win8 has huge Audio issues due to which I totally dropped the plan. Having really high hopes for Win10
Are you using Build 10240? The latest release? If so, then that's pretty much the RTM (Release to Manufacturing) and it's the closest thing that will be released on July 29th. I haven't tested any games under Visual Studio 2015 yet, but I'm pretty much excited about releasing to Windows 10 platform. I have alot of games waiting for it. As far as I can recalled Web Audio is better on Windows 10's Edge compared to Internet Explorer.