Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • Here is another more simplified example, where I just draw it once on the start of the layout.

    One object updates the mesh on the same tick, the other one has a little wait.

    Though both use the same mesh points values, I'm getting two different result.

    The second one is the one I'm looking for, but I can't get it to work every tick.


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  • Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to create shadows using the canvas plugin.

    I'm using mesh distortion for skewing, by moving the top left and right mesh points around.

    But even though I'm only moving the top points, the bottom baseline also gets shifted.

    I noticed that when I draw it every other tick and wait 0 before updating the mash, it does draw it in the right angle, keeping the baseline centered to the player.

    Can anyone shed some light on the subject?

    What am I doing wrong?


  • Tried it today for a short while, worked fine, though I found one issue, pressing 'ESC' seems to cancel fullscreen.

  • Personally I don't care about the extra hustle or download size with using NWjs.

    I care about performance, features and stability, if the end result is the same, then I don't think it's worth your or my effort.

  • Not sure if this is related, but I had issues with r235 not previewing, it worked on and off, but mostly off.

    I couldn't manage to pin the problem to report it, but I got a bunch of domside.js (if I remember correctly) errors on each of the plugins (official and 3rd party), see if you get those.

    I reverted back to r233 for now.

  • You can have two text objects, the bottom one in black with X/Y offset and lower opacity, that's pretty much what drop shadow does.

  • I reported this, the official solution is to select a new object, then click the blank space around the object list to deselect it, then press OK.

  • Hi everybody,

    Check out our Christmas Special for Down Below

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

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    The special was built using the latest alpha build of the game (construct 3).

    If you encounter any bugs or have any feedback regarding gameplay/mechanics, please let us know on, we're here to listen!

    Enjoy playing!

    P.S The demo also includes our previous Halloween Special.

  • Try adding this to your package.json


  • Hi rexrainbow

    After the latest change in C3 (scripts modules), the Newgrounds plugins stopped working.

    There is a temporary workaround setting that switches the project to the old classic script mode, but that will be removed in a few months.

    Are there any plans to update these plugins to work on the new C3 or is this the end of the line for them?

    More details about C3 new scripts modules:


  • Hi,

    I got 8 years of experience with C2 and C3.

    I've made hundreds of games, both for my studio and as a freelancer.

    You can contact and read more about me here:


  • I have a List object with CSS id and a stylesheet file I'm loading with the browser object.

    I'm setting the list object background to url("button.png"), this file is imported into the files folder and not in a sprite object.

    When I export it, the file is there and the url can read it, but when I'm previewing, remote or local, instead of trying to read it from the local directory, it tries to read it from editor.construct.net/r223/preview/button.png

    Is this a bug I should report, a limitation or am I missing something?


  • Hi everybody,

    Our game, Down Below - Halloween Special is now available for free on Steam.

    The special was made for Halloween and does not represent the final game.

    The special was built using the latest alpha build of the game (construct 3).

    If you encounter any bugs or have any feedback regarding gameplay/mechanics, please let us know on, we're here to listen!

    Enjoy playing!

    Download on Steam

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Nevermind, I just needed to change the texture X/Y to 0,0 and it works fine.

  • Yeah that's what I figured.

    My question is you think it's a bug, or just different calculations needed now?