Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • Hi everyone,

    I want to add brightness and possibly contrast controls to my game.

    I was thinking instead of adding webgl effects to all the layout, I'll just add the css filter on the canvas or body (filter: brightness(value);).

    Could this potentially cause any issues with C3 rendering?

    Do you know if there are any CPU/GPU differences between using the css filter or the webgl effect?

    Ashley Any insight?


  • Yeah it was a bit of a headache :)

    Though I just managed to fix the issue!

    I'm not sure if this will be valid for all other cases, but for me it worked.

    I tried running the previous NWjs version (57.1) and it worked, then I went

    back to v58 and it worked too, strangest things...

    Probably running a different version does some kind of extra cleanup.

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm having a similar issue and I was wondering if anyone have any ideas or suggestions.

    I did a clean windows recovery the other day (clean all windows system files).

    Everything works much better, faster, loading C3, loading projects, previewing...

    But whenever I try to use the debugger NWjs crashes (on all projects, even blank ones).

    I removed the Construct3 directory from the local user appData directory.

    Tried again and it worked!

    Now whenever I try to install any 3rd party plugin, such as the official greenworks, the problem returns.

    What is special about installed plugin that can cause NWjs to crash?

    Ashley I know you're not all for using NWjs, but I was wondering if you might have some insight?

    EDIT: So it's the strangest thing, when removing the construct3 directory and relaunching, debugger works fine, but if I uninstall the plugin and restart C3, it still crashes, with no 3rd party plugins installed.

    It seems like the installation process changes something that breaks it.

    EDIT2: Well... it seems it's not related to the plugins at all, it happens when you relaunch C3 the second time, first time works fine (after clearing the appData directory).

  • It's all the same, just download the official C3 plugin instead.

  • Hi there,

    I wrote this tutorial a while back, though I never tried macOS, only windows and linux.


  • Hi,

    I have years of experience with C2 and C3, I made over 100 mini games for clients and for my studio, and a few full features on Steam.

    You can read more about me here:


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  • Hi,

    I have years of experience with C2 and C3, I made over 100 mini games for clients and for my studio, and a few full features on Steam.

    You can read more about me here:


  • Hi everybody,

    Does anyone know if it's possible to mirror the parent bone and get the correct reversed angle for all the children, without manually setting each bone?

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  • Turns out it's a matter of actions ordering.

    set angle to 0 after setting the cycle position fixed the issue.

  • Hi everyone,

    I wonder if anyone came across an issue I'm having and maybe can give some advice.

    I made a skeleton with hierarchy and I'm trying to create some animations with the sine behavior.

    The sine is just controlling the angle of the bones.

    When I change animation, I set all the bones angle to 0 the cycle position to 0, then I set the parameters I need for each bone (period, magnitude and cycle position).

    Now the issue is that even though I'm calling the same function that sets the exact same values, every time I'm getting different results.

    After about the 5th time I call the same animation I will get the actual 0 angle and right offsets. (you can see in the last animation of the first part of the video, I'm setting it to idle a few times, then eventually it get's locked and stay on the right angle.

    Now if I add repeat 5 (less than that won't work) times on the set animation function (see second part of the video), it will always switch to the right angle and offset.

    I'm cracking my head against the wall here, but I just can't figure out why this happens.

    I can use the repeat as a work around, but I would really like to know what I'm doing wrong.

    I can share a c3p file if needed.

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  • Ashley I would appreciate any response in this matter, even if it's "there's nothing we can do".

    Is there a way to get canvas + pasting objects + updating mesh to work together other than having 2 instances and alternating ticks?

  • There is no action to change that parameter in run-time, you can suggest it as an enhancement feature.

    In the meanwhile you can use the trigger "On fade-out finished", then choose to destroy it or not, manually.

  • You can't change the layout size in run-time.

    You should make the layout as big as you need it and limit the view and player's movement to whatever bounds you need.

  • Ashley maybe we can have the canvas update its mesh at the end of the tick too?

  • That's what I originally did, but that felt like a hack and unnecessary extra canvas and events.

    Ashley is this true? So it is a limitation after all? Any way around it besides 2 canvas and alternating ticks?