fredriksthlm's Forum Posts

  • Of course I added the Instant Games plugin. I can export to Android, iOS and Instant games from a single C3 project file. Are you seriously saying you duplicate your projects just for an Instant Games export?

    Yes I actually do!

    I saw you get your "bug" fixed in r101.

  • Are you guys serious?

    You add Instant Games plugin to a mobile app, and it behaves odd, and then you file it as a bug!? Instant Games should only be used for instant games, which is obvious.! do not just add stuff randomly to your creations.. also instant games has it's own loader, if used properly as an instant game!...

    And also note that it is not allowed to use user information that is not provided by the Instant Games SDK, along with Instant games. also you are not allowed to share app id, or use any other ad system when using their SDK.

  • Ashley

    My five cents right now. Do not spend time on IAP, it is not widely supported yet.

    ChooseAsync is priority 1. (I can though do it via javascript/browser). It is a small/easy function which should be easy/fast to add.

    priority2: leaderboard "tagname" somehow, currently I can only request one leaderboard at the time, and then populate it, then request a new, but then I cannot use On Leaderboard loaded, since that is already true from the first request. so I have to turn off the first population events, and use a wait function to wait for the new data, then populate it.. works, but not nice, and causes delays. (i want both global highscore and friend highscore to be visable, maybe also the contextual.)

    the other stuff, not needed as I see it.

    I agree with paala s suggestion with chooseAsync and updateAsync

  • I found the way to share inside messenger:

    1. choose async. choose a friend.

    2. make share post. Share post will be a link in the messenger with that friend

    Great find! Have you verified on different devices that this always works like this?

    For me on my android I post shareAsync in messenger htread, but on my iphone I get a wall post.

    Did you do the share with the construct plugin or with calling the javascript via the browser plugin?

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  • >

    > It works for most european countries.

    > I believe they soon will whitelist romania as well.


    where i can see that?

    is there a whitelisted countries list somewhere? cause in the payout settings i can select my country, i can also add USA as i have a usa partner, however on both methods i get the "not accepting requests at this time" type of message. is that a country thing or an account thing? i sent a message to the audience network as well asking about this issue, nobody has an answer.

    to be clear, i have 2 games accepted by the review team, ads work good in testing, everything is on point, but the audience network just doesn't let me submit my payout so i can forward to app review ads thing again, and get live ads, and not the test ads. waited 2 months to get approved lol. lost so much time compared to other games on the platform now.

    I have registered swedish bank account just fine. And I know french guys as well. So it is more countries than US/UK/Can.

    But you should ask these questions to the instant games team, like Chris, Mark or Edgar. I know many people have issues with bank accounts from none approved sites.

  • Ashley i noticed instantgames the official facebook sdk now supports In game purchases, would we have that feature inside the C3 plugin? their ad monetization program doesn't work sadly for users outside USA /UK/ Canada ... so there is no way atm to monetize using instantgames.... they also don't allow custom ads from other networks inside the games.

    It works for most european countries.

    I believe they soon will whitelist romania as well.

  • it dose not tho my game loads fine yes but read the rules for approval

    you need to show the game loading in percentage all construct games shoot form 0% to 100%

    check any published game they all load properly

    has any one had a game approved have you ????

    Yes, we have. They work fine.

    If it doesn't work for you it means you have done something wrong.

  • has anyone had a game approved yet ?? im still thinking this had percentage thing will stop them being approved from construct

    just read what I have written. it works fine

  • Ok, you have to specify exactly what you want to achieve.

    ShareAsync is a post where the receivers get a picture and some text and a link, which they can click to get into your game. the session will be started within a context. But shareAsync is often a wall post, you cannot decide how it will be posted. sometimes it goes as a messenger post (for me on android), but sometimes it goes as a wall post in facebook, for me in ios and web). you cannot force this. (I have discussed it with facebook developers.)

    if you set it to challange/share/invite does not have any impact either, yet. I guess they plan to add functionality in later sdks

    if you want a button to chose a group/context to play in/against you should use chooseAsync, then you start playing in that context and can post updates to that particular context. so you directly start challange your group

  • How can I make the invite to play share to messenger and NOT as a wall post?

    Like this?

    No matter what Share type I choose the result is still a share post. Do you guys have the same problem?

    that printscreen is chooseAsync, it is not part of the construct plugin.

    it is only the share function that is built in, which is wall post. (the different types of share has no effect in the fb sdk)

  • if your game does not show any loading percentage then you have done something wrong as I said.

    If you did like I said it should show loading fine.

    Facebook would never approve a game that cannot load correctly no.

    But construct and instant games plugin works fine.

  • on the other hand moveTo and tweening can be done with a couple of events. It's always better to use events and avoid potential problmes unless we are talking about a plugin that saves you a lot of time.

    Even scroll to or pin, sure I use them sometimes, but I can do the same with events in about 2 minutes.

    What are you talking about, better to use events than plugins?

    all events are based on plugins, official or not.. (ok, you have the few System events which are kinda built in)

  • Then you have done it wrong.

    Add the plugin > export to html5 > upload the full zipfile to facebook web hosting > set to Production

    Then it will load fine.

  • it works fine, just add the plugin.

  • fredriksthlm

    Hi Guys, you`s seem to have had more success with the instant games plugin than most, and Fred really seems to know what he is talking about. Would it be possible for either of you to post a screen-shot of the events you use to show the " Friends " leaderboard scores like the Bikosaur screenshot and events to show Share/Invite working? - I just cant seem to get these to work at all.

    Fred, do you know if the "Challenge" option in "share" works within this plugin? I would love to make use of that.

    Thanks in advance,


    Hi, the printscreen bikosaur showed is not a friend leaderboard, it is an update event of a contextual leaderboard. Just use Share LEaderboard update. (this can be done once every session)

    For the share functionality it is mainly a wall post, or messenger thread post, depending on which device you are using. Share/Challenge/Invite has no functionality in the api yet for the Share function, so it makes no difference which you use.

    To challange players or start games in different contexts it is the chooseAsync function that should be used, but that function is not implemented into the Construct plugin (yet) unfortunately.