fredriksthlm's Forum Posts

  • Do you still need it guys? I'm working on it.

    No, I started with C3.

    Unfortunately the official plugin lacks some functionality.

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  • Has anyone had their game approved recently? Mine is still under review since i submit it well over a month ago.

    Yes I have.

    Just have patience, you will get a notification soon wether it is approved or not. 5-6weeks is the queue... :)

  • posts from the recent day was not copied over. many posts got lost! the threads are longer in the old forum!

  • fredriksthlm

    Thanks for replying.

    The thing is if i want to set the score of person who is at number one on leaderboard i use this in set text "InstantGames.LeaderboardScoreAt(0)" for rank number 2 "InstantGames.LeaderboardScoreAt(1)".

    If i want to set text of the connected player who is at rank number 1 or 2.

    What should i put in the action?


    The same.

    The fetched data is stored the same way.

    It is the Load Leaderboard data you have to change, Results=Connected players.

  • jagoman

    I was trying to make a nice leaderboard to show friends data also with score.

    Whenever you get time have a look once.

    I searched on forum also no thread about this.

    Thanks again!

    There are absolutely no difference in showing the scores for the connected players than for the total global leaderboard. only difference is in the call.

  • oh i see, and can we see the content of the leaderboard somewhere?

    because in the dashboard all i can see is the general setup of the leaderboard like name and type etc, not content, maybe i should fill it up to show content or somewhere else i can see the content?

    thanks for your reply!

    no, you can't.

    (you can request data to show in game. or request and post to console if you use own javascript call. It might be possible to request it in the graph api as well. but you will get json)

  • stuatk

    i'm having trouble with the leaderboard, i just dont understand if i need to make it custom made in game with text object or it will use facebook's leaderboard interface

    you need to make your own.

    (If you just want to send an update to the thread you can use share leaderboard update)

  • is it Asking this question for you too when you send for review?

    In-App Purchase Integration (how to access the in-app purchases)

    Note: I am not using in app purchase ,Where can i Close in app?

    Yes, it shows in the review tab even if you do not use it. But don't add it to the review (even if it's there)

    Note: questions regarding Instant Games review is better to ask in a facebook forum.

  • It is hard to get more info from them. This guy got a description at least. (even if he cannot really do anything with it)

    other guys just got "rejected" with only a printscreen, of the game!

  • Ask them to check for errors in the browser and provide you with the results of the console to help you understand what may be going on.

    He can do this by himself by running the game on desktop with the console. IG shows predefined error messages there.

    (When running on desktop you will though always get error for the ads)

  • Others have got approved games for the previous C3 versions and the previous SDK (it was not really that much difference between 6.1 and 6.2), so it is most likely not realted to any C3 or SDK issues.

  • Personally I hate translated games. So I will not translate them, and even if you do, people with different names may play the game in different languages even then.

    But I have not even found the regular gaming spritefonts with none latin letters. so when people with thai names play the leaderboard name will just be blank for their inputs...

    Any thai, persian, russian or korean game devs here who have been playing facebook games or similar and experienced this issue, that your names "do not show/work" in the game?

  • After 25 days of waiting for a review, Facebook finally approves.

    I waited 39 days for one

    but the queue time decreases every day now

  • paala

      .then(function() {
    This works, you can see in the console that you actually has changed into a THREAD.
    But to be able to use the functions in the construct plugin later on (update contextueal leaderboards and similar. We must update
    So after calling chooseAsync we need to set the construct internal variabel name for these, otherwise the offical plugin do not get updated with the new ID and Type and the official events do not work with the new ID and Type....
  • hi,

    i am always using spritefonts in all my games, also for leaderboards/highscore tables. and showing names of connected players and stuff like that. All my games are always in english, and I live in europe, so all names I ever see is in latin letters.

    How do you handle stuff like this? Include arabic, russian, greek, persian.... letters as well in the fonts?