fredriksthlm's Forum Posts

  • The issue is that Samsung Internet (v6.2 & v6.4) uses a fork of chromium, based on v56. Which did not support WebGl2. (So back then all games used WebGL, and worked fine!)

    When samsung rolled out their Samsung Internet 7.2, like one month ago, which is a fork of chromium v59, it got official support of WebGl2. So now it returns true on that call. and the issues started.

    But WebGL2 works really really bad on mobile. So depending on which graphics people used in their games they got different issue, mostly they just get black screen (they get the color of the background layer actually).

    Note, Chromium is now on 67-69 (depending on track), so the Samsung Internet are always using forks of really old chrome versions!

    Sidenote: Safari on iOS still has the 'Enable WebGL2' flag default to OFF. So "our" games is still forced down to WebGL on iOS, thats why they works fine still. But when Apple change the WebGL2 flag to On dy default the same issues might happen to iOS platforms as well. And this might happen any time, since apple have the setting experimental atm.

    So even if the mobiles can render some stuff in WebGL2 and will enable it, the support is still really bad, so forcing down to WebGL will be a good idea for long time I believe.

    (This is just my thoughts and others might have different views on the topic)

  • Yes.

    Look in the sdk references how you state the ID

  • Use switchGameAsync( ) if you want one IG link to another

  • Try Construct 3

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  • check the console

  • I need to add new function on the instant game plugin how to do it

    Which functions do you plan to include?

  • How did it go with this project? Did you manage to make a multiplayer instant game?

  • Without going through the thread, is there an official fix for this or are we waiting for Google to sort it out?

    Does this mean we can’t export for android unless we choose to deselect WebGL and settle for low quality graphics?

    1 wait for google

    2 no (you can amend the runtime file manually)

  • an easy helper plugin can be made for this since the official plugin loads the SDK

    yes, or you can use the javascript functions directly, via browser plugin

  • fredriksthlm Well, I gave it a try with something very simple but it didn't work so I removed it from the production version.

    I think the create shortcut prompt you saw is something automatic on Facebook side when a player opens a game for the first time. If he doesn't accept, popup disappears and is no longer shown.

    Looking at Instant Games documentation, I saw that we're missing the canCreateShortcutAsync( ) function (source:

    I hope Scirra is going to update the official IG plugin because we really need those new features so that we may fully benefit from the platform and Construct.

    the scirra plugin actually uses this, the the createshortcut within this function, if the function is true.

    but actually I remembered you had a specific button for the shortcut... maybe I played your game is some testversion then :D

  • :( WebGL Turn ON and in 1 click we are losing 60% of end users... this is a poor vision...

    I am staring to pray, to GPU ODMs and WebGL dev. to fix this situation.

    just disable webgl2

  • METR1C

    Regarding to performance:

    1). FPS

    WebGL OFF(-5%) vs WebGL ON -> WebGL ON (+1)

    2). Random artefacts on Qualcomm GPU

    WebGL OFF(none) vs WebGL ON ( Occur) -> WebGL OFF (+1)

    3). Black/Blue/Withe screens with audio in BG Qualcomm GPU (Samsung, Honor)

    WebGL OFF(none) vs WebGL ON ( Always) -> WebGL OFF (+1)

    4). Random APK resets

    WebGL OFF(none) vs WebGL ON ( Occur) -> WebGL OFF (+1)

    On MediaTek GPU all is OK when we have a WebGL ON :)

    In my personal opinion i don't feel a big drop of FPS in a project.

    Furthermore i can find more advantages in my case during WebGL is OFF.

    I think that this is a very individual decision depend on project complexity to use WebGL ON or OFF those days.

    All because of ODM GPU poor drivers:

    I hope that ODM improve ASAP drivers and WebGL 2.0 will improve library

    Regarding to market share of mobile GPU Qualcomm is a top player now:

    For some users "going down" to canvas will have huge performance issues, so to turn off WebGL seems crazy since it is only WebGL2 thats cause the issues...

    With C3 runtime you will not be able to run canvas at all..

  • did you use the createshortcut functionality? I thoguht I saw that in your game in the beginning, but cannot see it now..?

  • I just commented your "performance boost", since that was incorrect.

    We have like ten threads saying there is an issue with android devices and webgl, so we all know it. In fact the issue seems to be with Webgl2 not webgl, but if you turn off webgl totally it will also work of course (I would though not recommend it, since canvas sucks in comparison)

  • The performance boost is not the result of turning off WebGL, it is the result of removing your effects.

    If you will use WebGL without effects it will be even more improved.

  • if the game starts with only the bg color visible you have run into the webgl2 issue, as almost everyone else.

    amend your runtime file