DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Quick reply, as I don't have much time.

    1) put a condition that touching zone isn't touching sprite.

    the X is right click and invert which means opposite of what condition is saying.

    See image attached -


    touch X(is not) touching sprite then do this...

    2) Make one main event sheet and include all event sheets into it.


    3) I think I understand what you are saying, but I'm getting old and not as sharp as I wish I was.

    You can do this, and there are number guys who have more knowledge about this than me.

    I usually hardcode everything. Or, use invisible textboxes with data that I can retrieve. Or on startup save data into instance variables.

    THen use foreach sprite.... bla bla bla

    look system > loops >

    Each sprite has unique id, and each sprite can have instance variables that you can save data to that is unique to that sprite.

    I used something similiar to tutorial using custom paths using waypoints. Don't have link offhand.

    It uses instance variable to store waypoints.

    Here is capx from tutorial:


    Hope that helps a bit

    Edit: look at this demonstrates sort of what I am saying.

  • Use Choose

    choose(a, b [, c...])

    Choose one of the given parameters at random. E.g. choose(1, 3, 9, 20) randomly picks one of the four numbers and returns that. This also works with strings, e.g. choose("Hello", "Hi") returns either Hello or Hi. Any number of parameters can be used as long as there are at least two.

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  • Ohhh well, I wrote a whole lot of messages already and this never happened....perhaps they really were online then or I didn´t notice that....

    As I said, I could be wrong Just what I noticed - lol.

  • I believe they move to sent when receiver is online or receiver receives it. None of my pm's are instant unless reciever is online at that moment.

    Of course I may be completely wrong.

  • I'm not sure I follow you... it is using layouts and layers, which scales using your flavor of selection. As long as you keep it 1080p 16:9 I don't see the problem.

  • Tutorial <- this is pretty cool.

  • You think it has to do with connecting to the signalling server "wss://multiplayer.scirra.com" ?

    Nope, I doubt that. It is probably cache, and you saved a newer version so it flushed(updated) saved files. Remember it saves entire game to cache, and only updates once it detects never version. You making comments bumped it to a newer version.

  • You need an internet connection because you are using scirra's signaling server which relays info between players.

  • Still needs more info in comments But helps a bit.

    Just ran another test (quickly) and again I didn't see the card not being destroyed. I had each player win, and all four times cards were destroyed. Try clearing your cache? Try running it in different browser?

    I am running in chrome latest version.

  • and player 2 won.

    Might be specific card? Or animation frame? Or other? Haven't got time to make sense of it. Try the breakpoint, try to use problem cards see if they stick etc

  • Wsoukkachang Had a look - and bugs like this going to take awhile to figure out.

    1) You need to comment - hard to understand you thought process, and what connects what without comments, and next month you would have forgotten it too, so comments help others see what you doing, but also remind you what you did - lol.

    Seriously, it is going to take considerable amount of time to make sense of uncommented events even before trying to track down the underlying issue.

    2) I just tried it and made players(2 and 4 win) and no issue with card not being destroyed.

    I would suggest making use of break points (rightclick on event and toggle break points) you can then move through the code in debugger mode from breakpoint to breakpoint to narrow down the issue.

    Sidenote: nice job with multiplayer plugin nice job with game, still a long way to go, but very nice.

    NEED TO COMMENT THOUGH! lol - Yes I'm shouting

  • DUTOIT, you just turn my long list of conditions into one.




    Just a minimalist at heart and having experienced similar problem when I tried to shave off 1000 events and checks from entire project.

    Glad you found it helpful.


    N1, even simpler - lol

  • [attachment=1:20be9h6c][/attachment:20be9h6c]

    Just another way to do it.

  • Ahhh. Judging by this, programming in C2 would produce a very slow AI. Hmm. Thanks for that.

    Not really, but it will take you awhile to build it. There was someone in the jobs board that said he had experience with this. Might be a better way to do it? I personally suck at A.I, and rather outsource it, or at least outsource the majority which leaves me to tweak