DUTOIT's Forum Posts

  • Invisible/visible

    You are overlapping the sprite images. So when you click on outsides(non overlapped parts) they work as intended, but if you click on any overlap they will not work. This is what we meant when we said, you can't see it but it is still there. Invisible sprites are clickable.

    You need to mark sprite 7 as invisible either in properties or on start of layout like you did sprite 4.

    But you can't overlap the sprite buttons because you will be pressing both.


    Swapping image frames returns true permently once button pushed. You click sprite3 image - frame is 0 and it turns to 1 and stays there because you click it and it runs through cycle because it is then true that animation frame is = 1 and so forth. so it doesn't move from animation frame 0.

    True is true that is why we used the else because it puts a block that if condition 1 is true then do this else do that.

    Destroying objects And changing positions

    Could be a bug? Can't put my finger on it off hand and limited time.

    You have two example capx from yesterday. Easiest way and it works. If you want invisible - then make 2nd image frame clear.

  • Reported. Spamming the forum with 4 posts on same topic.

    How not to get help in a forum - spam it!

    Answer: Yes you can

  • So how much does HTML5 limit Construct 2's overall potential? It seems like Construct 2's largest criticisms have to do with its reliance on HTML5 and its lack of native exporters. The type of games I want to make would be large games so that's a huge concern of mine.

    Large games - meaning for PC?

    So you will export using Node-webkit.

    I think Construct 2 beats the competition in 2 areas.

    1)html5 games for web.

    2)desktop games.

    Html5 isn't limiting, it is actually uplifting as it isn't limited/restricted.

    Hell, I get to play one of my boardgames on my samsung tv which is makes sitting around the fire with couple friends and a boardgame on screen a different experience.

    Should you use it?

    I would prefer you didn't, no seriously, too many folks are discovery how great this software is. Umm, I mean how bad it is. Seriously, walk away, now. I don't like all this new blood/competition

    Large games - REVEN (damn I can't wait for this)

  • I just create a event sheet that isn't included anywhere and make changelogs there.

    For layouts - You Can create folders. Name folders "layout1,2,3,4) and drag layouts event sheet and layouts changelog into single folder.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • As ubivis says invisible isn't disabled. You should destroy it.


    Edit: My example same as ubivis, just another way to do it. So many ways to achieve same result - lol

  • Zathan

    Manual says...

    [quote:q6lcsgd9]Local vs. Session storage

    The WebStorage object allows data to be stored in two places: Local storage and Session storage.

    Local storage is permanent (until the user clears their cache). If the user comes back the next day, local storage still has the saved data.

    Session storage only lasts with the current browser session. If the user comes back the next day, session storage is empty again.

    Cache is not cookies, big difference. Cache is wiping all browser data, basically making the browser start from scratch.

    You cannot install something on a users computer that he/she doesn't have the ability to delete.

    If you want permanent data that user can not delete, then you must store data in external server and connect the game to that server to retrieve that data.

    Webstorage is your best/easiest option. And local is permanent, and session is only lasts till user closes his browser.

    The save/load also stores an array entry into webstorage.

    If the user wipes his cache, then he wipes your saved game data, but also all data from all websites and he obviously wants to do that, which he is allowed to do - its his machine.

    Off topic Sidenote: Interesting fact, also no website can tell you your driver is outdated. So those websites that say there is a new windows driver - its a lie. Remember, users pc is belongs to him, its like his house, he chooses who he invites in to see what he has got, and also what those people leave behind, and of course what he wants to keep.

  • Every block is a "And" block.

    So if block A is true


    Block B then Set text to "tebrikler"

  • News questions are:

    How avoid the "undefined value" error when try to read one array position?

    How find into an array for a value and replace it? I found "TheindexOf" and "TheValueOf"

    I guess that if the search value work fine is better than the use of repeat.



    Josep M

    1) This is because you are adding extra elements to an array. So the blanks are undefined.

    2) Load your data into array, then you use theseto manipulate the data as per usual. Have a look at this - Very good tut. Download the animalscomplete.capx and go through it. Handles everything you will need.

    Will have a look at your screenshots etc when I get some time. This week is crazy

    Edit: Don't use buttons, they don't work or give you grey hairs (for tablets) or textboxes either.

    Use sprite as button. And spritefont. (better for design, better for game)

  • > 2 images is the easy way.

    > Better way would to use 3rd party software - SPRITER



    anyway i wish a ways you can use only one image

    When i say 2 images.

    I mean 1 sprite, with 2 image frames.

    So when dead you set sprite animation frame to 1.

  • 2 images is the easy way.

    Better way would to use 3rd party software - SPRITER

  • kingpirux,

    I think have your facts wrong.

    Education: for $29.99 per month all your students have Unlimited use. And for an extra $1.49 per 5 students per month, they can take a copy home with them.

    100 students =$0.60 per month per student which means if they live to over 60, they will still be paying less than a business license.

    Business license is on a per pc basis. So 5 employees, equals 5 business licenses. $1995.

    This education package is a very very very good deal.

  • JosepM,

    I don't see the bigger picture of what you are trying to do, but I spent a bit of time trying to come up with best way forward.

    I still stand by that you should use containers and single sprites to store data with frames of zones.

    Anyways, this is a basic mock up. i can't spend anymore time on this as it is starting to eat out of my billable hours (this week is crazy busy - sorry).

    So, It is really a mock up, and not perfect. I did a number of mock ups - testing various ways(so many ways to do same thing).

    THis offers greater options in my opinion (and my opinion isn't worth much, as I can't see the bigger picture of what is in your head)

    Anyways, hope this helps you a bit. Of course it might be completely wrong. I have "Risk" in my head so I am thinking "Risk".

    Each section gets numbered.

    Each section gets zoned (if you want to group more than 1 section into a zone)

    Each section gets named (if you want sections to be cities?)

    Each section gets active (if you want to put a pulse or other effect)

    With above you can create your array selecting sections by number or whatever. This offers a lot of possibilities.

    Edit: I didn't put your array in. Now that each section/zone has a number you can run the array and select the destinations based on those numbers.

  • JosepM

    Will look at it and post back a bit later.

    I'm trying to think down the road, so that is why I am trying to understand the bigger picture.

    Already you are creating repetitive code. You need to streamline the process.

    (pc, mobile, or both?)

    Be careful of every tick. You can change those when they need to change, not every second....

    Let me have a look... will post back when i get a chance.

  • JosepM

    Sorry been a busy day.

    What we trying to do again. Sorry been a long long day

    Why you looping through it twice?

    Edit: Sorry, my mind is on multiple things, can you put demo capx? with what you trying to do. So I can re aquint myself with what you trying to do? And helps because I don't have to build it to test certain things.

  • DUTOIT, Wow that was sooo coool!!! Haha I am so tempted to try it out!

    Yeah, I was one of the first to get access. I am still in 2 minds about it as a tool. Takes getting used too, but no doubt that it has come along heaps and bounds.