DiegoM's Forum Posts

  • Have you thought about using the Internationalization plugin?

    It has the FormatNumberAsDecimal expression which formats the passed in number with the correct punctuation for a locale of your choice.

  • You can choose a zoom level by right clicking on the timeline bar and picking one of the Scale values, 1x is the default.

  • It's not a pain at all, I used the addon to fix the issue so I ended up adding the missing bits to it to check everything worked, I have it on my desktop.

    I asked Ash about your email, but he doesn't have it. Probably lost among all the things we have to do. You can email me at diegoxai@scirra.com and I'll reply to that.

  • C3 is not FREE. That is the only "problem".

    No amount of clever marketing, learning material or whatever you can think about can get around that.

    The fact that we are even in the same conversation as multi million dollar corporations that are willing to bleed cash for decades in order to corner the market is commendable!

  • Release r359 adds a few missing methods for 3rd party plugins that need to preview timeline changes in the layout view. They are as follows:

    The editor SDK class, that's the object that exists in the SDK.Plugins."YOUR_PLUGIN_NAME".Instance namespace needs to implement the new OnTimelinePropertyChanged(id, value, detail) method which is pretty much the same as OnPropertyChanged(id, value), but it is called when a timeline is previewing changes. A brief description of the arguments:

    • "id" => The id of the property that is changing.
    • "value" => The value that is being applied by the timeline.
    • "detail" => an object with details about the value. It has a "resultMode" property with a value of either "absolute" or "relative".

    In that function the plugin needs to update the corresponding internal state, namely using the new GetTimelinePropertyValue(id) method from IObjectInstance which gets the value of a property with any changes a timeline might be applying to it. After the internal state is updated refresh the layout view to view the changes.

    Lastly, the plugin must implement the new method OnExitTimelineEditMode() which is called when timeline edit mode is turned off. In this method the plugin's internal state should be updated again so any timeline changes from the preview are reset. Using GetPropertyValue(id) to get values without timeline changes, applying those to the relevant internal variables of the plugin and refreshing the layout view should be enough.

    I hope this is useful to somebody else other than Mikal (I doubt it :D)

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  • Even though that kind of control is pretty ubiquitous, they are not standard HTML form controls, so no, there is no built in element that behaves like that.

    When you see them on a website, they were either coded specifically for it (using a combo of HTML, CSS and Javascript) or more likely part of the UI library the website is using.

    On mobile, if the app is native it is likely using what the corresponding operating system provides to produce those controls. If it is running in a wrapper, like C3 exports do, they are doing the same thing a website would do to show them, either custom code or a library.

    In my opinion, if you already found you can roll out your own relatively easily with just tapping support... go for that! More often than not you can get stuck in things that seem very important to you, but your users will most likely not even notice and will just roll with the control working properly by just tapping it.

    If you still want to do it and know how to work with HTML, CSS and Javascript you can take a look at how popular UI libraries do it.

  • The latest beta, r351, adds a new tag property to animation frames. The property is supported by the bulk importer. I will update the first post with information on that.

  • This might sound kind of obvious, but if you already have some grasp of how Construct works, just start trying to do what you want.

    Since you are trying to do something similar to something that already exists, look at it and decide what part you want to replicate first, this will likely be what you think is most important. Once you have decided were you want to start, it becomes much easier to find a solution for that particular problem.

    Once the initial small problem is solved, you build upon it. Decide what is the next bit that you want to add and find the solution for that... then it becomes a matter of adding small individual pieces until you have everything you want. This process can take a while, so try not to get discouraged if you start to notice it's taking a long time. The good thing is that with each small problem you solve you become more familiar with the tool, so adding further things slowly becomes easier.

    This approach will help you retain what you learn much better, because you will be solving problems you made up for yourself rather than the abstracts in a tutorial.

  • In your example the green square can not be set to be a replica because there aren't any other instances of the same object type which are set to be templates.

    You would need to add another instance of the blue square and that one would be able to be set to be a replica.

  • Unfortunately Admob is incredibly opaque about how it works, there is nothing we can do to help with these kind of cryptic behaviour on their part.

  • Anyone who is encountering this problem, how are you importing the images exactly? As in which of the options available are you using?

  • Ribis

    That looks like an error coming from an extension, the extension is probably ignoring it, but C3 catches it. There have been reports of the Last Pass extension causing it, but it could be any number of extensions. Try disabling your extensions one at a time to try and figure out which one is the problem or just turn all extensions off when using C3.


    What kind of images are you using? As in size, amount of frames and format.

  • The way you have it set up the loops are executing every tick, so effectively all the time.

    If you want a loop to only happen after something else takes place, you should place it as a sub event of either:

    1) A block of conditions you want to be met before the loop executes

    2) A trigger condition

    In your example try placing the the loops you have as a sub event of the On start of layout trigger.

    Doing that will cause them to only run once, in this case, when the layout starts.

  • I think the problem you have is logical. For 16 unique answers, you can only have 4 different questions if each of them have only 2 answers, that would be 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 16.

    With 4 questions you guarantee to get a unique answer each time.

    Right now with 8 questions you have 256 possible results. That's 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 256. So if you have a catch all case, it makes sense that most people are getting the same result, only 16 combinations out of 256 have something! The probability is 16 / 256 = 0.0625 which is 6.25%. I think i got the math right... in any case, it's a pretty low chance.

    If you want more questions there are a couple of things I can think about that you can do.

    1) More unique answers. So for 5 questions with two possible answers, you would need 32 unique answers. 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 32. That might be a lot of work, but the results are guaranteed to be unique.

    2) You can have questions that decide the main result and questions that only wedge the main result a little bit. This will allow you to keep the answers you have and potentially have an infinite number of questions. This approach requires additional logic to decide exactly what it means to "wedge" the final result, and once that is decided, how big each wedge should be? The good thing is that you don't need to produce more unique results.

  • You have the "Open in Construct 3" option, so that means Construct is already installed as an app in Chrome. That's why you can't see the "Install" option.

    Have you tried opening it by clicking on "Open in Construct 3"?

    Edit: Sorry I missed that part of your original post.

    Try uninstalling C3 by opening it using the Open in Construct 3 option, and then going into the menu in the top right and choosing the Uninstall option. Then try installing it again.