Hi all!
So I’ve been dipping in and out of Construct for a few years now. When that creative energy hits, I want to crack on and build something, but I always fall into the same trap, I do a bunch of tutorials, both official and ones I find on YouTube, build basic things like single level platformer, the top down shooter template etc… but I never seem to get past that point.
End goal here for me, is to make a decision making game, similar to REIGNS, now understand that REIGNS is something that looks deceptively simple on the surface but is incredibly deep underneath, that’s fine. My goal is make something more akin to a prototype / proof of concept that this style of game, is not looking to reinvent the wheel, but more to understand how to build this style of mechanic in Construct, but finding resources to help guide me through the process is light.
So then I waste about 4 days searching for guides, tutorials etc… that cover this style of game, but sadly they’re a bit thin to find.
This time round however I feel I am closer than ever to breaking through what would previously be me giving up for another 6months, and I want to persevere, more so now because my son has started showing a keen interest in Construct and this could be something great we do together.
So I guess what I’m putting out there is, how did you fine developers get through these blocking points yourself? Any advice or direction would be most appreciated. What tutorials, guides or other media do you suggest I get stuck into?
Much appreciated for the read, I appreciate it’s a bit longwinded. 😂