Launching C3 from Desktop shortcut to work in a separate window - stops working

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  • Hey! Looks like Chrome was updated today and broke launching C3 from the Desktop shortcut for launching it in a "standalone" window. Yesterday all works fine.

    When I run my C3 shortcut it opens my Chrome browser with other my tabs and opens blank page with adress in it chrome://apps/?showDeletionDialog=incdokckmnmglbmdgl........

    I deleted shortcut, launched C3 in Chrome, created a new one by going to "More Tools" --> "Create shortcut" but got the same problem. I still able to open it in separate window from Chrome browser by pressing "Open in Construct 3", but it's so uncomfortable...

    Browser: Chrome 111.0.5563.65

    I hope they will fix this soon, but anyway. I'm tired of this dependence on changes in the browser engine, iOS, etc. that they break what already worked...

  • I'm running Chrome 111 on Windows here and the 'Install as app' option seems to still be working fine for me. An existing installed app is still working, and if I uninstall it and reinstall it, that seems to be working fine too.

  • I'm running Chrome 111 on Windows here and the 'Install as app' option seems to still be working fine for me. An existing installed app is still working, and if I uninstall it and reinstall it, that seems to be working fine too.

    Hmm, I can't find this (Install as app) option on my Chrome (just have "Create shortcut" option mentioned before).

    Followed this tutorial, but I don't have this menu item in chrome or in C3 main menu or in adress bar as stated in this article.

  • You have the "Open in Construct 3" option, so that means Construct is already installed as an app in Chrome. That's why you can't see the "Install" option.

    Have you tried opening it by clicking on "Open in Construct 3"?

    Edit: Sorry I missed that part of your original post.

    Try uninstalling C3 by opening it using the Open in Construct 3 option, and then going into the menu in the top right and choosing the Uninstall option. Then try installing it again.

  • You have the "Open in Construct 3" option, so that means Construct is already installed as an app in Chrome. That's why you can't see the "Install" option.

    Have you tried opening it by clicking on "Open in Construct 3"?

    Yep, as I wrote in the first post "I still able to open it in separate window from Chrome browser by pressing "Open in Construct 3", but it's so uncomfortable...". So I need to launch my "default" Chrome, then open Construct editor in it and then choose "Open in Construct 3" - then it will opens in a separate window without other tabs, address bar and other not needed stuff for work in C3. As it was for years until today))

    I think reinstalling chrome with erasing all its settings can help, but don't want at the moment to lost all my logins and then re-login again on a lot of sites...

    P.S.: I'll try to Uninstall and reinstall it as you recommended a bit later.) Yep.

  • You have the "Open in Construct 3" option, so that means Construct is already installed as an app in Chrome. That's why you can't see the "Install" option.

    Have you tried opening it by clicking on "Open in Construct 3"?

    Edit: Sorry I missed that part of your original post.

    Try uninstalling C3 by opening it using the Open in Construct 3 option, and then going into the menu in the top right and choosing the Uninstall option. Then try installing it again.

    No, unfortunately that didn't help. I successfully Uninstalled C3 as you wrote it, and then - yes "Install Construct 3" option appears, I installed it, but after launching it from appeared shortcut on desktop, I get the same behavior:

  • Sorry for third post in a raw, but it's more than 30 min passed...

    And I have interesting message in Chrome if I pressed Construct 3 shortcut in it. Notice that it's after I reinstalled it:

    "Learn more" leads to this page:

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  • Interesting, I always thought c3 was a PWA, not a chrome app.

  • That's really weird. Yeah, C3 is only a PWA. It's not available as a Chrome app. I would guess there's some weird Chrome bug happening.

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