MikeMS's Forum Posts

  • if you get problems of pods not found and Ruby version wasn't supported, follow this step

    Install Brew brew.sh

    https://stackoverflow.com/a/31250347 (Skip the gem install bundler)

    and then call brew install cocoapods

    Huge thank you arcadesindo and Chadori for the solution!

    I needed to update my game with minor changes and I got stuck with the same problems, while less than a year ago I built a build and there was no problems (by the way, my project does not use any 3rd party plugins). And now the message about an incompatible version of swift and the absence of "pods". Not finding this solution immediately I started to update the old xcode 11, but to update it, I had to reinstall MacOs to the new version, but in the end still got the same errors in xcode 14. Then after finding a solution with an incompatible version of swift I encountered a problem with the lack of some "pods" I tried first to install via "sudo gem install cocoapods" but ran into an error during the installation which I could not overcome. In the end this tip with installing brew and then installing cocoapods through it saved me.

    P.S.: By the way, installing pod through the console to every build is very annoying...(( I hope all this problems will be solved some day.

  • Also encountered this error and black screen (my game doesn't even use third party plugins). Thanks for suggested by someone to try to use NW.js version v0.76.0 - it worked! Something seems to be broken there( I hope they will fix it.

  • Yes, nice idea Overboy! Thanks!

    P.S.: Just not sure what you mean about "no matter the size of its texture" - I think the generator itself should work as it works now in terms of textures size - if it can't pack all sprites in folder in one spritesheet of required size - it just increment file name and generate another spritesheet for this folder.

    So, instead of spritesheets name like "shared-3-sheet7.png" it can be like "[FOLDERNAME]-sheet5.png"

  • Hello everybody!

    In this thread, I would like to draw your attention to the generation of spritesheets (shared) in large projects.

    I described my problem and the vision of its solution here:


    You can also vote for it there.

    Also, while this problem exists (at least for such large projects), it would be interesting to hear your ideas and thoughts on this matter. Thank you!

    Or read it here:

    Spritesheets packing improvements. (for less memory consumption in big projects)

    Hello! Sorry my English, but I hope you will understand me)

    Description and the problem:

    I'm working on a big project. The game includes a lot of sprites for different parts of it - sprites for outdoor levels, sprites for indoor levels, another planet sprites, for different mini-games, images for the gallery (like bonus materials) and e.t.c... So, I facing a significant problem with memory waste, because of generated spritesheets also contains sprites from the part of the game that currently is not needed at all.

    Just for example: in a generated spritesheet with 1-2 required object at the moment in the current game level - I see a lot of stuff from the another levels (with not cross-used graphics) to which the player will reach only after a few hours and it will be on its own layout... OR a sprite-sheet with one frequently used inventory item in it and bonus-gallery images (which is accessible only via main menu screen layout), which even not a "sprites" but just images placed in files folder of the project. And there is a lot such examples.

    I was forced to reduce the size of the generated sprite sheets to 512x512 just to exclude a lot not needed "at the moment" sprites - and got significant (from about 390MB to 310MB) memory usage reduction. Even though the overall image packing density has worsened because of this.

    The way to fix this and organize spritesheets generation (my thoughts):

    We already have in Construct nice folder structure for the project files organization, and usually developers store all things in their logical, corresponding folders (for example: files for gallery - in one folder, characters - in other, mini-games graphics - in corresponding folder, factory levels, another planet levels.... e.t.c., e.t.c...).

    ► So, I suggest to make a checkbox setting in a project settings which will enable per-folder spritesheets generation. While enabled - it will "batch" generation of spritesheets not for whole project at once, but per folders. So the dozens (or even hundred) of sprites in one folder will not mixing in their spitesheets with hundreds of sprites from another folder.

    I believe, for big projects this will help to reduce memory usage significantly. And it looks like it's not hard to realize this kind of spritesheets generation.

    Thanks for your attention!


  • Jase00


    Thanks for the replies!

  • It won’t affect performance one way or another. Using something else is just to organize things.

    Ok, thanks!)

  • Hello! My couple of questions:

    1. I am making a fairly large game and gradually the number of global variables becomes big (about 50). Not all of them are used frequently. Therefore, I began to think, or maybe it is worth taking out the most unimportant of them, for example, in the Dictionary and accessing them through it? This is of course not so convenient, but I read articles on the Internet and many people say that it is better to avoid using global variables unnecessarily. Will reducing their number by 10-20, affect performance, or is it all too insignificant?

    2. Is it true that if I enable the "Static" parameter for a Global Variable which will not change, this will increase performance?

    I would like to know the opinion of experts!) Have a nice day everyone! Thanks.

  • Sorry for third post in a raw, but it's more than 30 min passed...

    And I have interesting message in Chrome if I pressed Construct 3 shortcut in it. Notice that it's after I reinstalled it:

    "Learn more" leads to this page: support.google.com/chrome/thread/174381169

  • You have the "Open in Construct 3" option, so that means Construct is already installed as an app in Chrome. That's why you can't see the "Install" option.

    Have you tried opening it by clicking on "Open in Construct 3"?

    Edit: Sorry I missed that part of your original post.

    Try uninstalling C3 by opening it using the Open in Construct 3 option, and then going into the menu in the top right and choosing the Uninstall option. Then try installing it again.

    No, unfortunately that didn't help. I successfully Uninstalled C3 as you wrote it, and then - yes "Install Construct 3" option appears, I installed it, but after launching it from appeared shortcut on desktop, I get the same behavior:

  • You have the "Open in Construct 3" option, so that means Construct is already installed as an app in Chrome. That's why you can't see the "Install" option.

    Have you tried opening it by clicking on "Open in Construct 3"?

    Yep, as I wrote in the first post "I still able to open it in separate window from Chrome browser by pressing "Open in Construct 3", but it's so uncomfortable...". So I need to launch my "default" Chrome, then open Construct editor in it and then choose "Open in Construct 3" - then it will opens in a separate window without other tabs, address bar and other not needed stuff for work in C3. As it was for years until today))

    I think reinstalling chrome with erasing all its settings can help, but don't want at the moment to lost all my logins and then re-login again on a lot of sites...

    P.S.: I'll try to Uninstall and reinstall it as you recommended a bit later.) Yep.

  • I'm running Chrome 111 on Windows here and the 'Install as app' option seems to still be working fine for me. An existing installed app is still working, and if I uninstall it and reinstall it, that seems to be working fine too.

    Hmm, I can't find this (Install as app) option on my Chrome (just have "Create shortcut" option mentioned before).

    Followed this construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/getting-started/get-construct-3 tutorial, but I don't have this menu item in chrome or in C3 main menu or in adress bar as stated in this article.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hey! Looks like Chrome was updated today and broke launching C3 from the Desktop shortcut for launching it in a "standalone" window. Yesterday all works fine.

    When I run my C3 shortcut it opens my Chrome browser with other my tabs and opens blank page with adress in it chrome://apps/?showDeletionDialog=incdokckmnmglbmdgl........

    I deleted shortcut, launched C3 in Chrome, created a new one by going to "More Tools" --> "Create shortcut" but got the same problem. I still able to open it in separate window from Chrome browser by pressing "Open in Construct 3", but it's so uncomfortable...

    Browser: Chrome 111.0.5563.65

    I hope they will fix this soon, but anyway. I'm tired of this dependence on changes in the browser engine, iOS, etc. that they break what already worked...

  • Hello! Yesterday (like always in the past) I worked on my project and debugger mode (Inspect page) worked as usual without any lags.

    But today I suddenly encounter huge frame drops and lags! -(( I checked this and on my old versions of the project - the same issue.

    I guess that this happened because Chrome was updated today (to v., don't see any other reason for such changes in performance. I run C3 in Firefox browser and get good performance as it was yesterday in Chrome...

    And I worried that this also can lead to reducing performance not only in debug mode?

    So, anyway it's good to investigate these changes.

    Also, maybe somebody knows how to change the Chromium version to an older one?

    Enabling "Use Worker" in C3 project settings - helps to solve this, but previously it works nice with "Use Worker" - No. And I worried about non-debugger performance on slower PC's or Mobiles after this changes in Chomium.

    Thanks for attention!)

    P.S.: Construct 3 - r293.3 stable.

  • Hello! As I know on new iOS devices without a physical home button implemented on-screen swipe home indicator as a bar at the bottom of the screen. And it looks absolutely inappropriate on top of the in-game interface... (((

    It can be removed by the user in an OS setting, but it's much better to hide it automatically. I googled that question and found that this can be done by adding some code (in xcode?) like:

    override func prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden() -> Bool { return true }

    But how can we did this in Construct? Or on export phase or building app phase in xcode somewhere...? Thanks!

  • Hello everyone!

    Just want to add some update to this thread - after the bug report, Ashley redirected it to Apple. Big thanks for that, because I'm even don't know where to post it and how, moreover there was some tech discussion in which I am not competent enough. bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi

    And if I understand things right - we will see this bug fix in some upcoming iOS updates! Hurray! :)