"Unsupported Swift Version" on Xcode last version

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  • Hello

    I am new to exporting apps for IOs. I exported my app and ported to macOS 13 with xcode installed version taken from the store. When opening the project it gives me an error that Swift 3.x version is not supported and I need to migrate it to 4.

    Can you tell me if in construct 3 I can tell to use a version of Swift higher than 3?

    Or maybe you can tell me how to solve it in other way? xcode on mac and mac environment I don't know it I am very novice.

    Thanks regards Roberto

  • Hi Roberto,

    By any chance, did you manage to find your way through?

    I just encountered the exact same situation while building my game and I was hoping someone figured it out.

  • Same problem.

  • From Xcode, go to the Build Settings tab, change SWIFT_VERSION (search if you cannot find it) to 4.2.

  • Chadori how about this problem?

    could not find included file '/Pods-GameName.debug.xcconfig'

  • Chadori how about this problem?

    could not find included file '/Pods-GameName.debug.xcconfig'

    Click the link below to visit the page with steps to fix.


    Here are the steps:

    1. Open the terminal
    2. cd to directory of the Xcode workspace folder.
    3. Type in pod install
    4. Relaunch Xcode and reopen the workspace, then click the play button. The build will now be successful.
  • if you get problems of pods not found and Ruby version wasn't supported, follow this step

    Install Brew brew.sh

    stackoverflow.com/a/31250347 (Skip the gem install bundler)

    and then call brew install cocoapods

  • Try Construct 3

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  • if you get problems of pods not found and Ruby version wasn't supported, follow this step

    Install Brew brew.sh

    https://stackoverflow.com/a/31250347 (Skip the gem install bundler)

    and then call brew install cocoapods

    Huge thank you arcadesindo and Chadori for the solution!

    I needed to update my game with minor changes and I got stuck with the same problems, while less than a year ago I built a build and there was no problems (by the way, my project does not use any 3rd party plugins). And now the message about an incompatible version of swift and the absence of "pods". Not finding this solution immediately I started to update the old xcode 11, but to update it, I had to reinstall MacOs to the new version, but in the end still got the same errors in xcode 14. Then after finding a solution with an incompatible version of swift I encountered a problem with the lack of some "pods" I tried first to install via "sudo gem install cocoapods" but ran into an error during the installation which I could not overcome. In the end this tip with installing brew and then installing cocoapods through it saved me.

    P.S.: By the way, installing pod through the console to every build is very annoying...(( I hope all this problems will be solved some day.

  • > Chadori how about this problem?

    > could not find included file '/Pods-GameName.debug.xcconfig'

    Click the link below to visit the page with steps to fix.


    Here are the steps:

    1. Open the terminal
    2. cd to directory of the Xcode workspace folder.
    3. Type in pod install
    4. Relaunch Xcode and reopen the workspace, then click the play button. The build will now be successful.


    I'm very interested in your solution but when I type 'pod install' in the Terminal, answer is 'command not found'. Did I miss something ?

    I'm quite a newbie in using terminal and maybe a complete walkthrough made for beginners would be very useful.

    thanks !

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