gustavoChico's Forum Posts

    This all would get better if:

    1. Scirra had another developer/s adding these adyacent but critical and currently non-existent tools officially to the engine, or even better, a dev that actively listens to the community and adds what the other devs are not interested in a creative way but users use daily in addons.

    2. After Ashley's user-false-error-reports-fixing 100% encapsulation, we get a parallel, yearly-updated (?) version of Construct with no exports that allows modding and loading in experimental addons which would NOT be loadable in normal Construct, respecting the people that genuinely care about this engine and want to push it.

    We get how Scirra chooses what they work on and don't want/cannot maintain the features they deem innecesary but I'll just say, tools like drawing canvas and dynamic layers were a LONG time coming and impossible to add previously without doing deep changes on c2/c3. Without modding we won't KNOW the advancements we need, and the exciting possibilities of engine will be left comparatively unexplored. If left with a feeling of isolation and stagnation, the userbase will become divided and the product will eventually fall behind.

    This problem is NOT on us, it's on YOU and your engine's success depends on it: think of a single creative interactive piece of software that has the same modding standards Ashley has a goal. It does not exist. A thriving tool always has a thriving crafty community behind. Giving up on it entirely instead of finding a middle ground sets a TERRIBLE precedent on the long run, and it WILL have consequences.

  • Same problem.

  • Also, I've been getting requests from companies themselves on almost every project of mine regarding Gif exports! It really feels like it's still an important format.

  • I'm aware it seems nonsensical but there are userbases where the format itself makes a huge difference to the user even if it's just a name change Ex. Mobile games where they're mostly children who don't know what a webm or even an mp4 is, but it's engrained in the culture (instagram has them labeled as gifs, Roblox games have gif export, etc) even if some of them are still videos themselves.

    If it's too much of a hassle to implement officially I understand :)

  • Hey!

    So there is "Official" Gif capabilities in the Construct engine tied to the Animate version by Ashley, but there is no way of transcoding a webm into a gif natively in C3!

    I guess my best bet is asking here for Ashley if this could be implemented into the Game Recorder's "Format" setting, or the community for some help!

    In case this doesn't get implemented, best bet here would be to transcode it with libraries. I'm trying to follow this guide using the Game Recorder example as base, but not having much success as I'm not well versed in c3 scripting and I can't find much info other than the amazing Skymen c3 JS tutorials.

    Am I on the right track? Do you guys know of any learning resources for c3 JS about working with external libraries and interacting with c3 in such a way?


  • Wouldn’t setting the layout scale, as you would to zoom in with normal 2d games work?

    Nope, seems like layoutScale has no effect if Orthographic is selected. Weird.

  • Can confirm this happened to me too, and deleting the camera fixed it. This should be looked at, but I can't replicate it for the life of me.

  • As soon as we get some workflow polish, this can be a great After Effects competitor (there is no decent one in the market atm, btw). I've been animating in AE for 10 years and the best thing it has is fluidity of use in the UI. If you ever need it, I'd love to test dev builds, do live testing and give feedback along the way.

    I could get very particular about this if you guys would find it useful, but I'll leave these simple but ESSENTIAL points; I believe no animator would take a keyframe-based program seriously without them:

    -The MOST important thing is you should be able to drag the cursor to make a selection area, this is vital for keyframe management.

    -Dragging a keyframe should select it and move with the cursor. Right now it makes a duplicate when you drop it with values that have no apparent correlation, and undoing does not erase them.

    -Shortcuts for adding properties when an object is selected (pressing A adds Angle property, T for Transparency as it's closer to the left hand than O for Opacity, S for both Scales [X and Y], W/H for Width and Height...)

    -Autokeyframing (toggleable) ON by default (when you drag an object and are in a moment in time that has no position data, add new keyframes and position data automatically. Same applies for angle and size)

    -Buttons for going to the first/last frame, keyframe skipping only is not enough.

    -"." and "," or left/right arrow keys should move frame by frame.

    -Ctrl+D for duplicating any currently selected keyframes one frame forward, overwriting the former if there is any. Essential for timing and pre-posing.

    Complex to implement but ESSENTIAL on the long run:

    -Scrubbing the cursor should update the view dynamically so you can instantly see how it's looking. If this is implemented, clicking on a keyframe should not bring the time cursor to that point, it should only select that keyframe and update the properties panel.

    -Double clicking on a keyframe should bring up a easing editor, same as editing it on the layout directly but on a linear timeline with precise scales/rules (see After Effect's implementation). I can't express how important this is for any animator.

  • This is still an issue. DiegoM , Ashley , adding Tween.StartValue and Tween.EndValue would solve a lot of end cases. Could you comment on this?

  • Forgot to tag DiegoM :)

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  • Hi! I was quite baffled today after noticing neither Tween.StartValue or Tween.EndValue exists. Why?

    In my example, an object rotates X degrees on click. If I click mid-tween, I want to start the tween again but end up in 2X, not the current tween value plus X. Problem is I'd have to store the start value on an instance variable, which is quite frustrating. Am I missing something obvious? I have no idea how to do it in a cleaner way.

    This is besides the main point, but I used LiteTween a lot on C2 and it's very similar to C3's Tween but some of it's features like this one would be quite useful.

    Enforce mode and setting the end value mode to relative when creating a tween are some other ones. I understand these are hard problems to solve, and even though adding functionalities might make the learning curve harder for beginners, I believe Tweens are meant for intermmediate users anyway. Tweens are already awesome though, just looking for it to be as complete as it can.


  • Haha that's a great name! Sorry again if any of this was bothersome to you, Construct has always been the absolute top notch in html5 technology :)

  • For anyone wondering, you can't currently put ads on a Construct 3 html5 game. Doesn't matter the 3rd party provider, or simplicity of the system, the frame just doesn't render. This hasn't always been the case for Construct 3, and it currently all works in Construct 2. I've looked into absolutely every post and comment on the internet to no avail. If I find a solution I'll post it here.

  • This system was already working a few versions ago and in construct 2, fyi. I understand you can't afford to fix every issue for customers, but I just wanted to have an ad frame show up on a html5 game (a very important function that is directly relevant to your product) and wanted to ask for a bit of insight. You always seem so supportive on your posts when issues come up, giving vague ideas to the benefit of your userbase that help the author of the post know what might be going on at least.

    I guess I'll find a workaround for myself or ask people who know how construct works, if you can't help at all. Thanks :)

  • Ashley