ProUI - Collection of Addons for UI

From the Asset Store
Casual UI Button is a customizable, ready to use desktop and mobile-friendly game UI Asset.
  • Rude? No, just bluntly stating facts. What's rude is you coming into this thread and hijacking it. All you had to do was post the link to your other thread and be done with it. But you decided to turn it into your own personal sales page for your own gain. Btw, continually downvoting me just shows pettiness. Lol!

  • Lancifer - your tone is too harsh - even if you disagree with the addon developer it us up to them how they advertise or license it. Please review the forum & community guidelines to avoid further moderation action.

  • Nothing in my previous post was criticizing your method. I'm just stating facts to let others decide before clicking on your link. Not sure why you're trying to explain to me about needing a license for monetization. Do you currently offer said license? No, you don't. Some people might not want to waste their time with it if they can't currently use it for commercial purposes.

    Thanks for the heads up, quite a sneaky tactic I almost fell for. Cheers!

  • > Nothing in my previous post was criticizing your method. I'm just stating facts to let others decide before clicking on your link. Not sure why you're trying to explain to me about needing a license for monetization. Do you currently offer said license? No, you don't. Some people might not want to waste their time with it if they can't currently use it for commercial purposes.

    Thanks for the heads up, quite a sneaky tactic I almost fell for. Cheers!

    Lancifer gustavoChico So, I'm going to abandon this thread for sure and continue with mines already there. But here's a couple of clarifications. ProUI is getting deprecated, I started making a whole UI framework for myself, but I decided to share it with other devs by releasing first a non-commercial version of it. The commercial is still under development because I want to make sure it works as smooth as possible, there's a lot of work I still need to complete but I already have a pretty stable release that many c3 devs are using. I'm trying to drag attention to it because the most benefited is the construct community, I didn't planned on releasing it at first, but some reactions motivated me to do so. I live from my and the addons I make, so keep in mind that we, as indies, do all we can to market our stuff. I'm pretty sure everyone on this post has cross-published their work somewhere. That's why reactions like yours seem odd to me, just as if a player rated 1 star your beloved game by apparently no reason without even knowing what it is about, as if I where a big greedy company.

    Anyway, the framework is there, this year I'll release the commercial version, and no one here is tricking anyone, I have a thread about it clearly stating what I intent to do with it.

    There you go, I'll move on and you can keep doing your stuff.

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  • Can the Pro UI plugin (ProUI_v1.822) still be built for Android in the latest version of Construct 3?

  • These Pro UI plugins should be ported to Addon SDK v2 and made available in upcoming releases of the Construct Master Collection (linked here:

    We've used these plugins in three of our main projects, so it's important to ensure their continued availability.

    I believe the Construct Master Collection could also serve as a safeguard for abandoned plugins in the future, at least for open-source ones, ensuring their continued availability.

    The fact that the Construct Master Collection has existed since 2018 and is still maintaining the included plugins gives us some confidence in undertaking such a project. It offers hope to those using the Construct 3 engine for professional development.

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