Danwood's Forum Posts

  • > If i load all game images into memory at the start of the Main Menu layout, will they be carried on in the Game layout?

    I tested and seems like if the same objects exist on both layouts, their images will not be unloaded from memory when you switch from Menu to Game layout.

    But if you switch to some other layout without those objects, they will be unloaded.


  • I have two layouts in my project: Main Menu and Game.

    If i load all game images into memory at the start of the Main Menu layout, will they be carried on in the Game layout? Or changing layout resets images loaded into memory?

    Also, are the images of the previous layout automatically unloaded as i change layout?

  • DinoSystem a survival/ecosystem simulation many years in the making, currently porting from C2 to C3!

  • If it's a bug, I'm glad it's come to your awareness, otherwise it's still fine, in my events I took into account that and stop the sounds as the object is destroyed.

  • As title, i want my game to save a snapshot of the canvas in a custom folder (doocuments/game name/snapshots) and with a custom name "screen0",1,2,3 etc.

    I did it with C2, how can i do it in C3?

  • UPDATE - Found a way to reimplement the previous effets without porting the old addon.

    So, I got a recently converted project (C2->C3), it's a big game, so the challanges i'm facing are many. There is one issue that really makes me want to revert back to C2 (i don't actually want to, but well..): it's GameWraps's Normal Mapping effect. I know there are several for C3, but nothing works as smooth as that one for my project, i tried them all and tweaked as best as possible to reach the same result, without success.

    My last resort: if someone manages to convert it to the C3 runtime (and indeed it works as it did in C2), I'm offering to pay the aforementioned sum, in euro. I don't even know if it is possible, I tried and failed, but I'm no expert. I'm basically stuck, so any help is hugely appreciated!

    I'm developing a game called DinoSystem.

  • Example: i have a fuction making the player jumping. In another event group concerning screen effects, the same function enabled an effect. I know i could simply unifty both actions when the function is called, but for organization sake i prefer doing that (and it was possible with the function system in C2).

  • With the old C2 functions, i was able to run the same function in multiple events, groups or sheets. It's not the case with the new built-in ones. If i run "On fuction dodisplz", i can't put another in a different part of my project. Is there a way to do that? possibly in an efficient fashion (using a trigger) and not involving an additional different fuction?

  • Yes, it is. It's meant to work as if the object is emitting the sound, so if the object is destroyed, it stops emitting the sound.

    It doesn't happen, the sound continues even after the object destruction

  • As title

  • > PS: i found out that Play audio by name doesn't work if it is inside a sub-folder

    I'd guess that's the new folder export file structure mode - either use the subfolder path in the string or set it back to flat mode in Project Properties.

    Works setting flat mode!

  • If you can, I would suggest just directly loading it in the latest version.

    If the project uses things like third-party addons only available for the C2 runtime, then you may need to load in the last version supporting the C2 runtime to remove those things, save, and then reopen in the latest version.

    Thank you Ashley, it worked. Since it's a huge project (the older version is on Steam, DinoSystem) there are still many little issues that need to be addressed, but will gradually do it.

    PS: i found out that Play audio by name doesn't work if it is inside a sub-folder, will test again and file a report.

  • Yes I would advise the same, make your own custom buttons.

    I'll do it, will take a while though. Thank you!

  • Not enough info, what do you mean?

    When using OR BLOCK, i can't use function as condition, is it still possible with the new function?

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  • Well you answered your own question. The sprite should be fine though, what problem are you having? There is a mouse cursor is over object condition.

    I means a sprite "over" the button istance. Which doesnt work, the mouse doesnt detect as hovering it if it overlaps the button/form control.

    The only solution i can see is removing the form controls and using custom buttons, but it would require a huge work as the project is big.