Danwood's Forum Posts

  • I have a very big and complex project on C2, and found a potential engine bug happening for the effect WaterBackground.

    Basically, after a very long time running the game (or just high timescale) the effect breaks away.

    How to reproduce:

    - Create a project with a simple coloured sprite

    - Apply the effect Water Background to the layer or sprite (its the same)

    - Use a key to set timescale 1, and another one for timescale 50.000

    - Run the game, set to 50.000 timescale for a few seconds, and go back to 1.

    You'll see that the effect becomes more and more glitched.

    *The issue happens also with lower timescales, even 1x after very LOOONG time.

    *The issue happens also if you disable the effect during said ingame time and enable it at the end, or if you spawn a new instance with the effect and delete the old one.

    *it also happens for Water effect (and possibly other effects).

    *I'm on win11 and using NW.js latest version.

    I'm basically desperate, as i dont want to give up the effect because of this problem, and cannot upgrade to C3 due to the complexity of the project...

  • No updates for the "Alt+Space context menu", "Icon low quality again" and "Steam Overlay rendering above window bar" issues. Will try to keep everyone posted.

    Thank you, that issue can be a bit annoying since many games use Alt and Space as default buttons, and pressing them together can happen.

  • Hey there, is there a way to disable the Alt+Space windows menu?

  • I noticed this post was 3 YEARS OLD... HAs anything been done to make it easier to get a game on STEAM (Steamworks) or are all theses "workarounds" still applicable?

    This has been updated continously in the past 3 years, so the workarounds are legit.

  • Disabled behaviors are not ticked, so they have no impact on performance. However this has nothing to do with render cells, which is a drawing optimisation that does not involve behaviors in any way.

    I see, so just moving the object or changing Z affects render cells. Thank you!

  • Do behaviours like DragDrop (disabled) or Pin (unpinned) affect performance if applied to sprites intended to be optimized on render cells layers?

    I know behaviours are applied every tick to the sprite, making the render cells ineffective as trade-off in performance, but does this also applies to disabled behaviours (or unused pin)?

  • There has been a NW2 related fix for icons again. Seems like mainly Win10 systems were affected, that's probably why it worked fine on my end.

    Here is the issue (already fixed): github.com/nwjs/nw.js/issues/7236

    I confirm it's fixed now :D

  • Are you sure this isn't caused by a faulty app icon or ResHack?

    You still didn't upload anything for me to test on my end.

    Not using ResHack,

    I'll upload a test project after work!

  • > TheRealDannyyy


    > The icon bug doesn't happen with 0.42.4, because NW2 isn't really enabled for me, while in 0.42.5 (nightly build) is.

    That's weird. Try removing the old chromium arg to enable it or download the recently released Scirra build. No clue why or how that could happen.

    Already did that, it's strange. 0.42.4 icon works fine, but nw2 isn't enabled by default, if i add the arg the icon gets glitched again and nw2 enabled.

    0.42.5 is enabled by default as supposed to :S

    I'm on C2

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  • TheRealDannyyy

    The icon bug doesn't happen with 0.42.4, because NW2 isn't really enabled for me, while in 0.42.5 (nightly build) is.

    Thanks for the GC thingy, worked :)

  • > I've just discovered that when i unload all sounds, the lag disappears and CPU usage goes back as it should be!

    First thing would be to try this out in other browsers, to see if this is a general problem with the web or NWjs only.

    > Do you have any suggestion? I've read there is a trick in this guide related to the issue, is it still relevant in newer NW2?

    If you mean forced garbage collection. That's only going to instantly unload stuff from memory, shouldn't change anything CPU related.

    There could be tons of possible causes for CPU spikes. You'll have to isolate the exact events and try to reproduce them in a smaller project.

    As always, if it's caused by NWjs, I can report it for you but general issues like these are better for Ashley to investigate. NW2 shouldn't make a difference in this regard.

    The CPU spikes and consequent lag disappear as soon as i unload all sounds, so if GC isn't involved, it's not a NW issue, as you stated.

    PS: read my last post edits for a few more things :P

  • So...

    I'm working on a big project, a game where a whole ecosystem is simulated: hundreds of objects are on the map in real time and interact with each other and with the world.

    Performance issues are not new to me, and in the last NW versions (with NW2 enabled) they're are better, but there is a problem: after few minutes in game, lag starts.

    I've just discovered that when i unload all sounds, the lag disappears and CPU usage goes back as it should be!

    This is a great discovery for me, cause i've at least an understanding on the issue, my concern now is to find a way to use that to solve the issue unintrusively: i can't just trigger "unload all sounds" from now and then, that would ruin the game's atmosphere...

    Do you have any suggestion? I've read there is a trick in this guide related to the issue, is it still relevant in newer NW2?

    Thanks, and btw TheRealDanny, you're doing God's work, it's really appreciated :*

    UPDATE1: i'm trying the GC workaround, should i execute "global.gc();" every tick, at a timer or just at layout start?

    UPDATE2: Unreleted with the above issue, but the icon is still a red square in NW 0.42.4 and nightly 0.42.5, although the changelog states it is fixed.

  • Danwood The link doesn't work, please fix.

    As a side note, are you using NW2 by any chance? I just reported an issue regarding that, which sounds similar to what you're experiencing.

    Yes it is the same issue! im using nw2 and thats the same pink icon appearing.

  • > After updating my game with NW 0.43 (from NW 0.23), i've replaced the icon with Res Hacker as I always do, and released the build on Steam, and users report me the icon they see in the task bar is a pink square... any idea? <.<


    > The icon is the same as before, 32x32, 16mln colours

    Please upload the icon and source image so I can test it on my end.

    Also, what steps did you take in ResHack exactly?

    Here the icon and image.

    To apply it, as i've always done, I:

    -Open ResHack

    -Drag nw.exe (renamed to run_game) on the left panel

    -Open the "Icon" folder

    -Right click on "1" and click on "Replace icon"

    -Insert my icon, save and exit

  • After updating my game with NW 0.43 (from NW 0.23), i've replaced the icon with Res Hacker as I always do, and released the build on Steam, and users report me the icon they see in the task bar is a pink square... any idea? <.<

    The icon is the same as before, 32x32, 16mln colours