Danwood's Forum Posts

  • I think it should be something like this. But it won't work in preview, you'll have to export it to NWJS to test.

    It worked, thank you!

    Is there a similiar way to open a folder in my PC from the game?

  • What do you mean by "directly" - without prompting the user? You can only do this in NWJS export. Use NWJS action Write Binary File. I guess you'll have to load CanvasSnapshot into the BinaryData object first.

    Is there an example for how to do it?

  • As title.

  • DinoSystem

  • > able to test if a layer is visible directly in an expression

    For some unknown reason Construct doesn't have such boolean conditions.

    You can make a function which checks if a layer is visible, and use it in "Pick by evaluate" expression.

    Why i didn't think about it? Thank you!

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    I mean directly picking instances as an expression, something like: pick objects if object.layer = visible (i made this up ofc).

  • If nothing picked in condition every instance will be executed in action related to them. What kind of condition you want to filter an instance?

    I want an event to pick instances that are on a visible layer.

    For example, i'm using these conditions for the time being:

    - For Each Instance

    - Layer Instance.LayerName is visible

    This works very poorly as i would like to follow with another event using Else, and i would like not to use for each when not really necessary.

    It would be great to be able to test if a layer is visible directly in an expression, is that possible?

  • As title

  • Hi Danwood are you trying to change the angle then shoot or shoot a projectile and then control it's movement? Or maybe shoot towards your mouse cursor at the correct angle? I'll see if I can help you troubleshoot just let me know what your going for.

    Hi Rebel, thank you for your help! I'm trying to change the "Set angle" option for the bullet behaviur in-game.

    In my game, there are agents that move using the Bullet behaviur, and using the "Set angle" option automatically syncronizes their angle with their angle of motion, but there is a specific event where i need them not to do that (because they need to move backwards). I know i could simply disable the "Set angle" option and use an event every tick that keeps their angle and ang. of motion in sync, but I was wondering if there was a way to keep that option and just "uncheck" it during the game for a while, for convenience.

  • Is there an action to change an object's Bullet "set angle" option during the game? If there isn't, Ashley please add it!

  • > If i load all game images into memory at the start of the Main Menu layout, will they be carried on in the Game layout?

    I tested and seems like if the same objects exist on both layouts, their images will not be unloaded from memory when you switch from Menu to Game layout.

    But if you switch to some other layout without those objects, they will be unloaded.


  • I have two layouts in my project: Main Menu and Game.

    If i load all game images into memory at the start of the Main Menu layout, will they be carried on in the Game layout? Or changing layout resets images loaded into memory?

    Also, are the images of the previous layout automatically unloaded as i change layout?

  • DinoSystem a survival/ecosystem simulation many years in the making, currently porting from C2 to C3!

  • If it's a bug, I'm glad it's come to your awareness, otherwise it's still fine, in my events I took into account that and stop the sounds as the object is destroyed.

  • As title, i want my game to save a snapshot of the canvas in a custom folder (doocuments/game name/snapshots) and with a custom name "screen0",1,2,3 etc.

    I did it with C2, how can i do it in C3?