Load image into memory question

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  • I have two layouts in my project: Main Menu and Game.

    If i load all game images into memory at the start of the Main Menu layout, will they be carried on in the Game layout? Or changing layout resets images loaded into memory?

    Also, are the images of the previous layout automatically unloaded as i change layout?

  • If i load all game images into memory at the start of the Main Menu layout, will they be carried on in the Game layout?

    I tested and seems like if the same objects exist on both layouts, their images will not be unloaded from memory when you switch from Menu to Game layout.

    But if you switch to some other layout without those objects, they will be unloaded.

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  • > If i load all game images into memory at the start of the Main Menu layout, will they be carried on in the Game layout?

    I tested and seems like if the same objects exist on both layouts, their images will not be unloaded from memory when you switch from Menu to Game layout.

    But if you switch to some other layout without those objects, they will be unloaded.


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