calminthenight's Forum Posts

  • You need some way to pick the specific cannon instance that you want to flash.

    Without seeing your game it's difficult to know what to do based on your setup. A bit more info will help.

  • FYI you still have the 8 direction behaviour on your sprite object.

    You can do this all without using a sprite object and scroll to behaviour also, just replace the two set sprite position actions to System "Scroll to Position", copy the X and Y expressions from your current set position actions, and within those expressions replace 'sprite.X&Y' with scrollx & scrolly.




    If you do this, make sure you don't have the scrollto behaviour active on any objects.

  • Ah I didn't see it before, you forgot the < symbol before the -30 in your last condition before the else.

    Should be:


    Translated it is: First Gamepad, Right Analog Stick X-Axis is greater than 30 or is less than -30

  • Events look good. Upload your project file again.

  • Posting in the forum is the best way to get responses. There are plenty of people far more knowledgable than I. I'm usually always lurking

  • Manual Entry:

    The Manual is very comprehensive and a good place to start :)

  • stickangle is just a local variable I created so you use the system set variable action.

    The conditions are just System Evaluate Expressions.

    Have a go at it and let me know if you can't figure it out and I'll put the project file up.

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  • If you want to limit it to L/R/U/D only then this will do it smoothly.

  • This will give you a 360° look around limited to 100px from the player position without the need for any behaviours.

  • The colour of your spritefont is set in the properties.

  • I might get around to doing a proper tutorial one day but a bit too busy at the moment. I'm sure if you keep exploring you will work it out :)

  • use "set layout scale" layoutscale+0.2 or -0.2.

    You can also add a condition that sets your max or min zoom levels.


    On Mousewheel Up


    - Set layout scale - layoutscale-0.2

    On Mousewheel Down


    - Set layout scale - layoutscale+0.2

  • As do I. You can create a tag management system using arrays that will achieve some of the things you want from multiple tags. If you want to look into that there are a few threads on these forums that have some good info.

  • Have a look at the array tutorials and examples, they will teach you everything you need to know. Then you need to do the math to determine all of the beat intervals in your song. You can do this by following the same math that I have inside of the previous example. You will need to do it for each section of your song if there are tempo changes.

    Then create an array with the sizes, X:as many as you need, Y:1, Z:1.

    and populate the array with your data - you can also look at loading JSON data into an array examples to get the hang of that.

  • Unfortunately there is no "master channel" that you can add effects to and you cannot add multiple tags to audio.