calminthenight's Forum Posts

  • dop2000 Thanks

  • Just wondering what the process is when including multiple event sheets in a layout.

    Do the included event sheets run simultaneously from top to bottom or are the events of any sheets after the first sheet essentially added onto the first sheet which is then read from top to bottom?


  • dop2000 I plugged it back in today and it worked, it was just an event sequence issue. I've added some other aspects and I think I'll do a tutorial for it as others might find it useful.

    Thanks again!

  • I actually tried that first suggestion straight away after your first reply and it didn't work but my brain is a bit fried so I'll check again tomorrow. Thanks

  • Hidop2000

    Thanks for that, I always forget about loopindex :/. The first part works perfectly for a one-shot between 2 points however, what I'm really looking for is how to maintain the line of sprites while the points move, for a continuous laser effect. Any ideas on that?

  • I can't seem to get the math working for this, any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I have two points A & B, and I calculate the distance between these, divide it by the length of the object I am wanting to spawn, then store it as an integer in a variable. The game then spawns a number of object instances equal to that variable.

    What I am trying to do is spread all the currently spawned instances out evenly between the two points.

    For reference, I am using a raycast every tick to get the positions and distance of the points. I'm trying to create a continuous laser weapon that uses small sprite segments for animation.

  • Thanks, that's what I figured

  • Just wondering how the IID's are assigned to objects that are already in the layout at startup.

    It seems that they are assigned based on the order that they were loaded into the layout in the editor, which would be the same as if they were loaded by an event.

    eg. if there are 4 instances of an object on the layout from left to right, and the first(from left) was created first, the second second etc. Then the IID's from left to right would be 0,1,2,3.

    However if the first created was the right hand object and then on from right to left; the IID's would be from left to right: 3,2,1,0

    Is this correct?


  • Ok thanks. I figured as much since I had found the rotate options and there were no others there.

  • I am wanting to apply actions to only a specific tile number in a tilemap, for this example tile "0"

    I am using a comparison (with local variables to convert position to tile at) to detect if the tile the player is at is a specific tile number, and that's fine, but can't find where I would express the specific tile number in the actions?

    In this example: If the tile number at the player position is (0) I am setting the opacity to 0. However I am applying it to the entire tilemap which doesn't suit my purpose.

    Is it possible to apply the action only to tilenumber(0)?

  • Yes I can see some issues coming up. I'll try it when I have some more time to dedicate to it and let you know.

    Thanks for your help again!

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  • I already use a separate legs and torso sprite, with the directional behaviour being applied to the legs, which at the moment are invisible. The angle of the torso is controlled by the other analog stick or the mouse.

    What I was wondering was: is it possible to create a 16-way directional movement behaviour? I assume the 8-way uses set vectors to produce the movement, and I guess you could create a 16 vector scenario and divide the analog stick axis' up to match. But the test is, would it react the same way to interactions with solids that 8-way does, or would the original problem persist?

  • dop2000 Implementing 8-way control with the joystick does solve the issue however, the ideal scenario would be to retain 360° movement. Making the playing field even between keyboard and gamepad users is probably better though.

    Out of interest, do you think it is possible to implement a 16-way control using the custom control behavior that would react in the same way as the 8-way to the solid collision issue?

  • Thanks I didn't see that in the forums. I'll check it out and get back to you

  • Top-down using a controller thumb-stick for reference.

    When using 8 direction behavior if you approach a solid (wall) at a 45° angle your angle of movement changes to be parallel to the wall in the relative direction you were heading and the speed remains constant.

    When using the custom movement behavior (or bullet) with 360° of movement and you approach a solid wall depending on the direction of approach, the angle of movement appears to be parallel but the movement speed either increases, or decreases drastically depending on the angle of input.

    For example if I approach a wall that is positioned vertically on the y axis at a 45° angle, and when I collide continue to maintain my input, my character moves at a higher movement speed than what is set. If i than rotate the thumb-stick towards the opposite end of the Y-Axis but still towards the wall on the X, the movement speed decreases and my character will not begin moving down the y axis until the stick is quite a way past the centre in the opposite direction. When fully moving the stick to the lowest point on the Y-axis, while still maintaining the contact with the wall, the max movement speed is greatly lower than what is set.

    This happens with standard movement behaviors.