calminthenight's Forum Posts

  • Have a go and see if you can get it working. Otherwise I could do an example for you but just a bit busy at the moment.

  • Many ways you could do this, first that comes to mind is to Create an instance variable called order.

    At the beginning of your battle use:

    On whatever trigger you like

    Repeat Enemy.count times

    Pick nth enemy (nth being loopindex)

    - Set enemy.order to loopindex+1

    This will provide you with a number for your enemies from 1 to however many enemies there are.

    Create a static local or global variable called var_order with initial value of 1.

    Then following those events start a timer to begin picking enemies to fight


    On battle ready trigger

    - Start timer "action" (once) for random(0.5,2) (or whatever your timings are)

    On timer "action"

    Pick enemy where enemy.order=var_order

    - Do Enemy action

    Sub event:

    if var_order<enemy.count

    - add one to var_order

    - Start timer "action" (once) for random(0.5,2)


    - Set var_order to 1

    - Start timer "action" (once) for random(0.5,2)

    you will also need some events to shift the enemy.order variable down if an enemy is destroyed.

    Create another global or static local variable called "var_ordershift" and a function called Ordershift.

    Whenever an enemy meets the criteria to be destroyed have it trigger:

    On your trigger

    - set var_ordershift to enemy.order

    - call Function "Ordershift"

    - Destroy Enemy

    On Function "Ordershift"

    Pick Enemy by evaluating: enemy.order>ordershift

    Sub event: For Each Enemy

    - Enemy: Subtract 1 from enemy.order

    Hope that helps

  • Two things:

    Use Pre-Load Sounds setting

    Check your actual sounds to make sure there is no silence at the start.

  • Use a global variable var_gold to store gold.

    Have a sprite for your gold coins to collect.

    Player on collision with goldsprite

    - Add 1 to var_gold

    - Destroy goldsprite

    Set up a trigger that happens whenever your player double jumps. Maybe something like:

    Player is jumping

    On jump key pressed

    On your double jump trigger

    - Subtract 1 from var_gold

  • It sounds like you have too much text for the size of the text box and you're looking for a way to scroll the existing text upwards so that you can fit more text in at the bottom? What do you want to happen with the rest of the text above, do you want to be able to scroll back up and see it?

    Edit: If you just want to keep adding text at the bottom use:


    Trigger Once - Set Text Height to self.height+(the height of a single line of your text in pixels)

  • Resize your text box

  • if your laptop has dual graphics options, it's possible that the integrated chip is solely running your internal screen and that your dedicated chip is either running or assisting in running your monitor connected via USB-C. As this would be a more powerful GPU you would see a drop in usage.

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  • need to see the project file to diagnose any issues. Also your game does not load for me.

  • It's possible that the amount of resources that simultaneously running video conferencing and the construct game were more than the computer was capable of delivering without causing significant lag for the game. Depending on how the game was written, a drop in FPS may have caused the adverse behavior.

  • if you have set the player sprite to face upwards and your issue is that the bullet is spawning to the right (0°) you can just set the bullet angle and angle of motion to player.angle-90°. Or alternatively just fix your player sprite so it is angled correctly.

    Doesn't sound like a big issue, but without your project file it is difficult to see what you've done

  • you won't see anything until you add the other conditions to the event, if it is an AND block they will just present one after the other. If you have selected make OR block, they will have a blue OR in between them.

  • System 'set time scale' and 'set object time scale' are probably what you're looking for.

  • There are heaps of examples of different ways to do this if you search the forum for follow path.

    The basis of most of them is using sprite instances as nodes and assigning them a value then having your object move to the sprite (node) with the next value in sequence.

    If you search for "move along path" in the construct editor on the start page, there is an example of just that.

  • if you don't want to go the container route for any reason, you could also do it by adding these events.

    EnemyShip is Flashing

    Cannon overlapping enemy ship

    trigger once

    --- Cannon Start flash

  • That's because the "on collision with" condition picks the ship that has been attacked but no cannon is selected, so when you ask the cannon to flash, the code is asking all of the cannons in the game to flash.

    An easy way to solve this would be to add the cannon to a container with the ship. That way when the ship is picked, the cannon on that ship is also picked.

    You may need to modify the way you spawn the ships if you add the cannon to a container as any object in a container is also created when the initial object is created.