calminthenight's Forum Posts

  • Use the "on Mouse Wheel" condition in the mouse object and then depending on your preference, use either set layout/layer scale or set layer Z Elevation.

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  • Setting up a BPM detector using the analyser is possible but it would be quite complex. If you are creating the music and you know the BPM and when it varies, I would suggest that a better option is to use an array that is populated with the 'Beat Intervals' for each song and then use that in combination with the timer behaviour to trigger your spawns.


    Array(Beat Intervals):









    On Music Playing - Trigger Once:

    - Start timer "beat" for Array.Front (once only)

    - "Array" Pop Front on X axis

    On Timer "beat"

    - Start timer "beat" for Array.Front (once only)

    - "Array" Pop Front on X axis

  • Hi sejal you might get a better response from the scripting forum

  • If you know the BPM of the music you are playing and that it remains constant throughout the song, you can use a timer set at the beat interval to trigger any actions you like.

    of course, if the song has unmetered intros etc this will throw this approach off, but if you are making the music yourself or at least have the files you could determine if this method will work.

    Have a look at this example:!AkmrWgxeuxlKhId_MEP6deyfTNJfRw

    Otherwise, you should be able to use the analyser as you have been and trigger spawns on beats directly, or use the analyser to determine the BPM as a song is playing and then use that result.

  • The function method that I posted works as you want it to. I'm not sure what else you're doing but it works correctly for me.

  • If that works then set speed to speed+random(-20,20) is what you want.

  • If that's no good I guess it's a choice of using the spritefont or switching to a less blocky font that will render more clearly. Good luck

  • To troubleshoot, first remove your +random (0,200) expression and just set the new sprite to the function variable. This should set the new sprites speed to whatever the mother's speed was when they spawned the new sprite.

    Is this working correctly?

    Your events look correct.

  • I think I read somewhere that you can't turn off font smoothing for text objects. Is there a reason you can't use the spritefont?

  • Does anyone know if the CRTMonitorFX2 plugin has been ported to C3?

  • You can pass the spawning sprites speed in a function variable as you call a function that picks the last created sprite and sets it's speed to the variable.

  • In your project properties, do you have your 'fullscreen quality' set to high? I've seen low cause this issue with text before. Elsewise it may be an error in the font itself.

  • You can also do it by setting an instance variable to the timer value and then using pick highest/lowest. Because timers count up you would pick the highest variable in order to get the instance with the least time remaining.


  • you could use:

    is moving

    trigger once - Action


    (inverted) is moving

    trigger once - Action

    Alternatively you could use an 'on key pressed' trigger using the keys that you are using for the 8 direction movement and then the inverted event above.

    Ashley Fair enough, but perhaps the documentation for "Match Direction" needs an update because it is at odds with the result.

    If enabled, sets the object's angle to match the direction of travel in the orbit. If disabled the behavior only changes the object's position without affecting the angle.

    If the object is travelling in an anti-clockwise orbit, the documentation states that the object angle will match the direction of travel, which it doesn't.