calminthenight's Forum Posts

  • Use the 'Preload' option in the autoplay section of the video properties.

  • I find it hard to believe that you weren't able to discover that prior to purchasing. But in any case there are multiple ways that you can repackage nw.js exports for different OS's.

    Anyone who really wants to steal your assets will do so regardless of how it is packaged.

    Here's one of many simple ways to package an nw.JS export into an executable.

  • Interesting. Check your layer's parallax settings and make sure that the option Parallax in editor is disabled. Check the Z-settings also as mentioned. Have you tried opening the project in a different browser or on a different machine? What are the results?

    You can post your project file here if you want others to take a look at it. If you don't want to post it publicly you can email it to me at (myusername) and I'll have a look.

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  • As Brainwave says, but to be clearer. This is a project file. You cannot load it into another project file.

    A template is designed to be used as a starting point and then you build your game around that template.

    However, if you have an existing project that you want to integrate this into. Open both your existing project, and the template project, in the template project, select all the objects and copy them, then go back to your existing project and paste them in the objects folder.

    Then repeat the same process for the event sheets, and layouts.

    Now all of the content from the template will be within your existing project.

    If you are using an outdated version of C3 and the template uses behaviours etc that only exist in newer versions this process will not work. However, I don't think this is the case with this template.

  • Can you point out specifically what's wrong with it? It looks fine to me.

  • Promotoken There are hundreds of ways you could do it. You're better off reading the starting manual entries and looking at some of the example projects that are in the platform.

  • Object.Platform.Speed

  • Ah yep that sounds like a good way to do it

  • This is the best simulation of a retro, pseudo-3d racing game I have seen in construct. You can download the source file from here:

    It is not performant though and is highly complex to implement.

    Ofcourse, now that we have 3D camera and mesh distortion there are likely many ways to implement it that are much more performant.

  • I can't make sense of your code sorry. Even with the keyboard group disabled the mouse movement only works correctly for the first click. Also the preview is using around 50% of my CPU when it is just idle.

    I would suggest refactoring as it looks much more complex than it needs to be, but I also don't fully understand what you are trying to achieve.

  • Ah Ok, I have narrowed the issue to the use of Workers. If Worker is set to no, everything works fine, if set to yes the preview fails to load or the audio is not scheduled correctly.

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  • In Chrome using the 'Audio Scheduling' example project, the scheduled audio only works correctly when opening in Construct debug preview. If opened in a normal preview window the audio is not scheduled correctly and the playback is messy.

    Also sometimes when opening the project in preview it will not load and will return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED error code.

    Could some others please check and see if the issue exists for them before I file a bug report?

    Works fine in other browsers.


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  • post a project file without 3rd party plugins (in this case spriter) and I'll have a look.