blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • MIDI Sampler 3

    ... and drums finally.

  • MIDI Sampler 2

    I wanted more to show, but there's a lot of work that can't be seen yet.


    3 instruments: (new) piano, guitar, bass.

        You can change the channel number, 0,1,2 and play the keyboard.

    The Entertainer plays piano on treble and guitar on bass.

    Swapped Maple Leaf Rag for Skyfall

        Just not ready for >2 channels

    A key change here is that where version 1 had a sound file for every note, this version uses a few notes, and uses the essential C2/WebAudio SetPlaybackRate command to bend the pitch of the known notes to any other note needed. This is essential to keep the number of files down.

    Chord ON/OFF added.

    Songs can loop.

    One technical problem I've hit though is that WebAudio does not support gapless looping. This will be critical for instruments that sustain notes indefinitely. This is a bleeding-edge requirement being worked on by others.

    Pre-load workaround is automated. Still need proper support for this.

  • You can use 'For each' and add the instance variable to a total variable and display that.

  • Read the manual. Far too many people skip this step and get stuck right away.

  • Comments:

    Level 5

    <img src="" border="0" />

    I sat there for five minutes waiting for the melon to stop rolling and reset (think Angry Birds). It wasn't obvious to a newcomer that we need to click the locks. I know they have little stars coming out of them, but that wasn't enough of a hint for me to realize that that meant they can be interacted with. I saw you had an angle-hint later on when I couldn't get the angle right. Maybe something similar if there is no interaction on that first screen that presents locks. A simple hand-pointer bouncing at the lock would be all that is needed to give that subtle hint.


    <img src="" border="0" />

    I'm actually stuck here. The trap door gets stuck on the banana-bubble. I've tried three times in a row, and it always gets stuck.

  • Manual: Generate a random float from 0 to x, not including x.

    Try random(2).

  • You can use the Sprite.Count expression to get the count of your sprites. If the total is zero, they are all gone and you can switch layouts.

  • You've got Transparency set to YES on the Layer! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Someone actually wrote a game a while back that took advantage of this.

  • You need to pick which lights are associated with the traffic light, otherwise all are selected.

    Signal Problem_fix.capx

  • Store the UID, pick all in family, set value false, pick by UID, set value true.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Figured it out. You apply a Gain effect with a gain of zero, so there is no immediate effect, and then call Set effect parameter when you want to fade, set to Filter/delay/gain gain with your final dB (negative to fade down), and the time period to fade over.

    Sample here: GainTester.CAPX

  • I just posted a ForEach example on another thread. Should be sufficient for this thread too.


  • You should post the CAPX, so people can see what is going on, and this is in the wrong forum. Should move to -> How do I...?