blackhornet's Forum Posts

  • The link that is failing now is not in the media directory, so that seems odd.

    If you are able to post your CAPX that may be faster. Make a simpler test app if needed.

    EDIT: Your server also has to support the OGG mime-type. You'll have to see how to get this corrected, if this is the issue.

  • You are assuming that making the "drop" sprite invisible means they don't overlap. That is incorrect. They still overlap (since they all overlap from the start). You need to destroy all of the 'other' drops when the active drop occurs, to get them out of the way. Then you will find that your Sugar & Salt drops don't work as they are ANDing. You need to break these out into a sub-event with an OR, and then perform your actions.

    I have done the drop-destroy for iodine, and the OR change. Dropping iodine does nothing now. You'll have to sort out the rest.

    partial fix

  • Spaces in HTML names can cause problems. Try removing the spaces.

  • You've list all browsers as failing, but not all browsers can play ogg. You also need an m4a file. This is explained in the manual.

    Also, HTML doesn't like spaces. Get rid of the spaces in the filename. Your link says: draggs_connor-waltz_on_the_rust.ogg, but the error in the console is draggs%20connor%20-%20waltz%20on%20the%20rust.ogg (which is using spaces.).

  • ZZZtest2.capx

    Try this. Just fill in the array with your answers and you're done.

  • This is hard to do in any GUI based tool. Just evaluate your AND groups first, then apply the OR after. A simplification is to use a counter and add 1 on each AND group. At the end, if the counter is > 0, then you've met the OR condition.

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  • I'm not ready to release just yet. I'm changing the interface daily. I'd like to have something in the next week. I keep fighting problems in the framework underneath. I can see why nobody has tried a MIDI plugin yet - it's really not there.

    Todays demo: MIDI Sampler 4

    This is a step sideways. This uses any underlying MIDI support the OS provides (Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth, Apple DSL Synth) or an actual MIDI interface. Mobile devices may not work. My iPOD doesn't work, but there are MIDI interfaces for iPODs, so maybe...

    This requires a third-party browser plugin to work though. No way around this at the moment. Go to to get the plugin.

  • You just pick the instance you want first, then play at that object.

  • First, the latest stable version is 126

    Third party plugins are on the Plugins forum

    Line of sight seems to be just a process, not a Behaviour: thread

  • zzztest

    The main problem is you are constantly setting the answers, because on a wrong answer, Correct and score still = 0.

  • Use Every 1.0 seconds, instead of Every tick.

  • Delta Time

  • I agree with spongehammer. If you change the Restart layout to something that stops the scrolling, the yellow platform stops at that top and yet On collision is triggered. Seems like a bug.

  • The manual covers this fully. It's best to read up on the details.


    Read the Audio is downloaded on demand section.

  • lemo

    Yes. That is part of the underlying interface. The silly thing is, the two actually aren't linked. They process separately, so I haven't concentrated on that part yet.

    The pre-pre-load is a browser killer. This is a matter of optimizing, which I haven't had time to do yet. The more I do, the more I rely on WebAudio, which only Chrome supports best, so far.