ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • I would love one too. Especially if it would work with Cocoon.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • So are you saying you don't need to use Audio Latency Plugin anymore to get reliable audio playback?

  • You can't run cocoon exported games directly on the xcode simulators. The only way to test the game is to go through the distribution process and then install the ipa file on your test device.

    Follow the steps here.

  • Will do, thanks

  • My first game passed and is on the Windows Store as of this morning. Still trying to find ways to help advertise, get the word out. I believe I made it with a 1 day trial.

    This is what is so awesome about contruct 2 and html5. I finished this game months ago, but with the power of C2 and HTML5 I was able to just make slight changes and it's now released on iOS, Droid, Chrome Store, Windows 8 Store and a few portal sites around the net.

  • No, it was extremely easy. Lots of steps to go through, but I think MS does an excellent job walking you through the process.

    The cost is the same as apple, 99 dollars per year.

  • Not really sure yet. I tested just via the browser.

    My guess will be through the Microsoft App Store.

  • On a separate note, I posted 2 games to the Windows 8 app store last week. This last week or so has been going through their developer security checks and I finally got approved yesterday. Both apps have started the certification process. They passed the first 3 steps (Pre-Processing, Security Tests and Technical Compliance) now just waiting for Content Compliance. It states it could take 7 days, but I am hoping it gets pushed through faster since Win 8 launches in 2 days.

    If they get approved, I will let you know if they appear on the App Store on the Xbox as well. I'm kind of curious how that will work as there isn't a specific option for Xbox Apps when compiling and submitting to the store.

  • Not sure, I only had a minute to try it last night. The game ran full screen with no title/address bar or anything. It was pretty cool seeing my game on my 42" tv and playing it with a xbox pad.

    I'm assuming it's a version of IE10 which comes with Windows 8

  • I just tested out my Strike game in IE on the 360 and it ran smooth as could be. The Dpad seems to be mapped to the arrow keys so I was able to fly around the entire level.

    This is pretty exciting, it also introduces the Microsoft App Store. I'm assuming they are gearing up for the Win8 launch in a few days.

    Just thought I would share my experience.

    The test game I used is a very rough version of my game

    If you get a chance, test out your games with it.

  • I fixed the bytecode issue once the app was no longer in test mode and went through the validation to upload to the store. The only error I got during this process was the App Launch Test. We'll see if they approve it anyway.

    Only plugins I am using on this app are spritefont. I didn't even include the windows8 plugin that comes with construct.

    I'll update how it goes after the MS gets their hands on it.

  • I just wanted to get some feedback on the validation errors I am getting during the certification test.

    I will state, this app is currently on the App Store, Droid Store, and Chrome Stores with no reports of any errors on any of them.

    Crashes and hangs test


    App launch tests


    Error Found: The app launch test detected the following errors:?Failed to stop the app 4d71a3ef-5a66-4c94-967c-72fe59a8f68f_1.0.0.0_neutral__y71mh8ak33z1a.

    How to fix: Investigate, debug the app in question to identify and fix the problem.

    Performance test


    Bytecode generation

    Error Found: The bytecode generation test detected the following errors:?This package was deployed for development or authoring mode. Uninstall the package and re-install it normally.

    Impact if not fixed: As a performance optimization to accelerate JavaScript execution time, JavaScript files ending in the ".js" extension generate bytecode when the app is deployed. This optimization significantly improves start-up and ongoing execution times for JavaScript.

    How to fix: You may need consider one or more of these steps to fix the issue:

    • Ensure that event logging is enabled
    • All JavaScript files are syntactically valid; otherwise exclude the respective files from the package
    • Please note that you should uninstall all previous versions of the app before deploying

    Otherwise exclude the respective files from the package.


    Performance suspend

    Error Found: The performance suspend test collected the following results:?Application Error: Application Suspend was not detected for application App. This could be because your application failed to suspend correctly. Please consider re-running the test avoid interacting with the application while tests are running.

    Impact if not fixed: Application suspend time is important for creating a fast and fluid experience for the user. This app will not be accepted by the Windows Store.

    How to fix: The app received a failing score. You should ensure that your app?s performance is consistent across different machine configurations. The informational metrics can provide insight into area that could help improve your app?s performance, but do not impact your apps acceptance by the Windows Store. See link below for more information:


  • tap Sure, I will PM it too you right now.

  • I noticed the flickering as well and it does look weird. I'll try your fix and see if it helps. I don't have any freezing issues, but my games are pretty simple.

    Nothing back from Ludei, they seem pretty slow in responding to emails but did post a new version was coming out this week, so they might be busy with that.

  • The one I got working on Android was


    I just put it up a few days ago. It was like it wasn't using DC, the edges on all the sprites were really jaggy. I am assuming I am still doing something wrong :).