ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Wink

    Anything new on this?

  • Cocoonjs creates an xcode project file. You need to open that with xcode in order to archive it to an IPA. Or upload to the app store.

    You are saying there is another way on a PC?

  • Seems to be an IE9 thing, I just noticed it too.

    I may have to rethink this approach ;).

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Good point ashley. I was even thinking about google ranking.

  • I have my company website setup using it. Mainly to shop my games around to publishers, but it works really nice because I can just iFrame the games. still a work in progress. I might put the contact form in the iFrame box as well.

    Using C2, my site took me about 20 minutes. I don't know how dynamic that is, but it fit my needs :).

  • great news. Thx

  • AndyWatson

    Are you still needing to use the lowlatency audio plugin? Audio seemed to be improved when I used 2.3, but it could have just been in my head.

  • Open the file in photoshop, in the layers window double click "background" to make it a layer instead. Then select the background area (magic wand, lasso, etc) and hit the delete key.

  • I've tried building a few of my more active games with phonegap and they just didn't run well enough to put out that way. I tried them with and without ads and had the same issues.

    I haven't tried said games since 2.0 and they are on 2.4 now. However, I haven't read anything in the release notes about increasing performance. I'd be happy to try them again with 2.4.0.

  • lorinbeer

    Thanks so much for popping in. I'm looking forward to the updates.


    Hopefully you saw this news :).

  • Phonegap is made to create apps, not games. It doesn't take advantage of direct canvas or other graphics acceleration like Appmobi and cocoon.

    Though I have built 2 games with phonegap through eclipse and implemented admob, the games were very simple word games.

  • Here is a youtube video showing hit boxes in Street Fighter II.

    it depends how accurate of a collision you want. The video might explain it better as you can see the boxes are actually larger then the arm. But are also only active on certain frames of the animation.

  • You could also use collision boxes. This is what a lot of fighting games use. You just create a sprite that is a box/rectangle and have it spawned invisible and use that to check collision. Have different image points on your animations and spawn the boxes to those image points.

  • Did you sign up for Mopub, create apps and use the ID given from mopub?

  • Search the manual for the Distance expression. Basically it calculates the distance between 2 objects.

    So if you are within a certain distance, perform an action.