ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • I haven't moved to the new admob so I don't know if that's the problem or not.

    What is happening when you try?

  • I can't think of any that won't require an account. Even gamecenter requires one.

    The only other thing you can do is make one yourself with AJAX/PHP.

  • The course is now live, and the first video "Screen Resolution" is a free preview as I think it will be good info for everyone.

    Some of you may have gone through my Udemy courses (thank you for that). I enjoy teaching and one of the things that constantly comes up on these forums is how to monetize our games on mobile devices, especially using CocoonJS.

    I am going to start putting together a course that will hopefully help a lot of people out. Please let me know if there are other things you would be interested in having a video tutorial on. This course will not be designed to show you how to make mobile games or how to optimize your games for mobile.

    Everything will deal with CocoonJS as I still find it the most consistent and it's what I have been working with the longest and have had very little issue with it.

    1. Dealing with multiple screen sizes using Scale Outer.

    2. Working with Ads through Mopub+adMob. (If there is another supported ad network you would like to learn about, let me know).

    3. Getting gamecenter setup and working.

    4. Getting inApp purchases working

    5. Getting google game services working.

    6. Working with to pick out keywords for your apps to help get found on the app stores.

    7. How to use Eclipse debug to check for errors in your ad setup. (android only)

    I'm still working out the outline for the course, so please chime in! I feel like a lot of this information is missing and I don't feel like it's Scirra's responsibility to spend time gathering that information.ArcadEd2014-02-13 16:44:09

  • Mobile as in mobile web, or games compiled in native apps?

  • I'm getting 94% fill rate on my fullscreen ads from admob.

  • Yup, I do. I put out a case study a while back. I made it available to everyone when I made it about a year ago. So I guess that's some proof.

  • Do a google search for ipad resolutions and you will find your answer :).

    Oh heck, I'm feeling helpful. Here ya go :).

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • 1. CocoonJS is Free, so not sure what you mean by paying for the apk.

    2. The only way to do it is with phonegap. I've done it on a few of my games, but they are simple word search games. Phonegap does not work with games that have much movement and graphics.

  • Search the forums for Ejecta, there is a whole thread on it.

  • I don't think Ludei answers support questions.

  • Yeah, all the tizen requirements kind of put me off. I've owned by business for 14 years and never saw anything like what they were asking.

    Microsoft also requires proof of own an actual business if memory serves me right.

  • Most likely you are using a plugin or object that isn't supported by CocoonJS.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I ran into this with a publisher who bought one of my games. Eventually I fixed it by removing the sound files from the offline.appcache file that is created when exported. Just open it with a text editor.

  • I use it in almost all of my projects, so yes it works just fine.

  • Start by going through the beginner tutorials here on Scirra. They will get you familiar with the program and how it works.

    Don't just try to jump in too fast, take the time to learn Construct 2 first.