ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • Oh, thanks for the example. I'll have to look back over my code and see what I did wrong. Thanks again for the help :).

  • Quick question. If you use Rotate Towards instead of Set Angle, does the .angle property of the turret always stay zero? I'm asking because I don't want to fire unless it's some what lined up with the chopper, but when I am using angle() to check the angle between the turret and chopper, it's all wacky. So I checked the angle of the turret every tick and it stays as 0 as I watch it rotate.

  • Worked perfect. Actually just added a subevent under the event to check the distance for the Every Tick. Perfecto! Thanks a ton :)

  • Thanks guys, I'm actually not using in every tick right now, it's happened if the player is a certain distance from the turret. However, I will just make that trigger a variable that will be using in the every tick.

    Thanks again.

  • I have a gun turret that is using set angle towards my main character. Problem is it just sets the angle instantly. Is there a way to make it rotate slowly towards the character?

    I'm not really good with the physics object, is that something I should use?



  • Yeah, comments works pretty good on a dedicated event sheet Didn't even think about that. Thanks.

  • If you sign up with hostgator you get a free SSL certificate. At least that was their deal when I signed up last year. Works great for publishing Facebook apps. FYI.

  • It would cool to have another TAB type that is simply a notepad. I like to write notes, ideas, objectives etc. for the game I am working on. Currently I use a separate notepad file for each game, but it would pretty nice to have it as one of the tabs for my project.



  • Awesome, thanks so much :)

  • The reason being is chopper can spin around as fast as you can move the mouse. Thank you though, this was all very helpful

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  • Yeah, right now I am not using the mouse to control. I'll try it that way and see. Thanks.

    I was thinking of having a strafe left and strafe right button, but this might be better :)

  • OK, thanks for that. But what if I don't want it to rotate while strafing, but just continue on the straight path? Not sure if I am making sense.

  • Weird, was just a chrome thing. Worked fine in firefox.

  • <img src="" border="0" />

  • Thank you.

    The link is broken though.