ArcadEd's Forum Posts

  • OHHHHH!. Thanks for clearing that up.

  • Ashley, this is the manifest generated by Construct. So construct is generating it wrong?


  • This was an issue in r99, hoping it would be fixed in 100. I export to Chrome Web Store. When I go to upload my game, I get:

    An error occurred: Invalid version format in manifest.

    Any idea when this might get fixed? Or is it already and I am doing something wrong?

    Here is a copy of the manifest that was generated.


         "name": "Kaplow",

         "description": "Catch the bombs before they go KAPLOW!",

         "version": "1.02",

         "manifest_version": 2,

         "app": {

              "launch": {

                   "local_path": "index.html"



         "icons": {

              "16": "icon_16.png",

              "128": "icon_128.png"


         "permissions": [           "unlimitedStorage"      ],

         "offline_enabled": true



    The pin behavior

  • You would need to post the CAPX file on a webserver or dropbox. You linked to a file on your hard drive.

  • Have a global variable for Timer and ButtonCount

    Every Tick at dt to Timer. This will create a timer

    Every time A is pressed, add 1 to ButtonCount.

    If ButtonCount >= 5 and Timer <= 5 then

    Spawn special attack

    Of course the number 5 can be changed. With this example, A has to be hit 5 times before the timer reaches 5 seconds.

    You will need to make the timer reset each time the button is pressed as well so you know if they hit A in the allotted time.   Play around with it. I'm sure you will get it :).

  • You can use JING, but you can't directly upload them to youtube. You have to upload them the JING service or import them into a program like premiere and then export in a format that works with youtube.

  • Ok, thanks Ashley.

    0plus1, I do own a valid C2 license. Thanks.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Does anyone know how to remove the FULL INTERNET ACCESS permission from my game? In construct I am not using any plugins/object that require an internet connection, yet the game is still requiring Internet access for a permission.

    Word Search for Kids

    You can see what I mean if you click on the permissions tab.

    Maybe this is a phonegap issue instead?

  • Couple of days maybe.

  • It took mine 5 or 6 days to show up. Apparently its done manually by someone so it takes some time.

    However, I have 2 games over the 200 mark and I have made 28 cents. WOO HOO :). I am using their API for high scores, but it hasn't adjusted my percentage. They say that can take even longer. Good Luck.

  • Thanks Everyone

  • OK, so I have searched around I can't really find a concrete answer so what is the best way to deal with a large layout. Mine currently is 6000x6000.

    Right now I am using 256x256 tiles to lay the entire background. These consist of about 8 different sprites right now.

    Is it better to use less, 512x512 tiles?

    One large image (png/jpg)

    A tiled 256x256 image, then placing my other sprites as needed to fill in the background?


  • Actually, I think I fixed it by make sub events of the sub event.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • OK, so I am running into a bit of a bug with this. It worked great with just one object, however I have some different object I want to use this same approach too. Here is a modified CAPX of yours that I added a new object too, and I am using the same code. It seems that once you get into the range of the new object, it no longer checks the DISTANCE element, only the angle of the others. Not sure if I am making sense.

    I shortened the range of all objects to test this out, but as you move around I think you will notice what is happening.

    Thanks again.