Android-Music's Forum Posts

  • It is interesting how is it possible to resize a group of objects via events just like when you select several sprites and hit Enter in the editor?

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  • My notes:

    1) I think guessing polygon shape right after importing a sprite is a bit frustrating, at least for me. Although it's a great feature I rarely use it, box collision shape is fine for me in most cases.

    2) Search box in "Projects" tab is a necessity. I usually keep stuff highly organized but still it doesn't help me much.

    3) Customizable number of undos

    4) Make it possible to give an object some custom setup after spawning on preview because sometimes when you spawn a few similar objects but want them to be different size(or to have different variables) they usually end up changing together, at the same time. I try to make workarounds based on UID or IID and other stuff but it doesn't always help me.

    That's all for now. Maybe I'll come up with other thoughts later.

  • Thanks R0J0hound , this solution is great too!

  • blackhornet , that's quite an interesting solution, will try that for sure, thanks a lot!

    EDIT: wow it really works, thanks again!

  • Nah, sorry, that's not what am I looking for, one line solution is the aim.

  • Example:

    var "a" = 32 or 37 or 38 or 39 or 40{
    Do something() 
    So if a variable is equal to one of those numbers, something happens.
    EDIT: I'm looking for one line solution, not making "or" or adding more conditions.
  • ...a new .capx when you have done everything right in your project but still it crashes on export?

    So once again, no mistakes in code, no 3rd party stuff, only, let's say, one defective power of two sprite which must not be defective at all(at least I think so). And this is only in your project. So when you start a new project to reproduce a bug, this bug doesn't appear at all.

    How can I report a bug when it's not reproducable but it's clear that it's a potential bug in the program?

  • Ashley, there were no bug reports at all, just crashes. I didn't make any posts in Bugs section because the problem was impossible to reproduce in a new project.

    Btw yeah, thanks for the tip!

  • I solved the problem on my own but still decided to write about it.

    Preview worked flawlessly in any browser but export crashed every time. Happened after r187. Thought I've lost another big project but came to mind - What if I start deleting stuff? I started with huge chunks like completely removing plugins, behaviors, effects, sounds, music... when I deleted most of the sprites, C2 suddenly exported the whole project without a hitch! After deleting smaller numbers of sprites I found one defective sprite. Fun thing it's not defective at all - nicely proportioned 512x1024 sprite without any behaviors or effects at all. After removing a few pixels by cropping my project can freely export again!

    I just wonder what could it be?

    I knew I couldn't post this topic in bugs section because you need a small capx replicating the problem. Problem is - every other project works fine. And all platforms affected - I tried all exports.

    I posted this topic in thoughts it may actually give Scirra team some possibly valuable info so they could further improve Construct2. And it could help some users who have problems with some particular platforms.

    To users: this is probably another reason why it's better to use only power of two textures! I made a huge mistake using non power of two animations for most sprites!

  • 16. "Options" menu!

    That's the thing most devs worry least about but should work on pretty hard.

    Options menu must be accessible at any point because player doesn't know if current options are ok yet.

    a) Customizable controls - I did this in my game, working on a harder part right now - configurable gamepad!

    b) If game is cpu/gpu intensive but you love the look of it, try to make some options like effects switching, low and high resolution modes, particle switches, toggling physics if physics don't play a huge role in the game, etc.

    c) Options must be easy to understand, there are three things to think about:

    1) Amount of text on screen(I have problems with that sometimes)

    2) Font, size, position components, overal design

    3) Tree menu - how you sort options by categories

    d) Keyboard shortcuts may come in handy sometimes, like volume adjusting or item equipping or something else.

  • Trying new design for one of my main characters

  • Sure

    Be warned though - it's messy! My code is in Event Sheet 1, first 10 events, nevermind the rest of it.

  • Found a new problem - score repeats itself across the whole table. Strange because I did everything like in the tutorial. I saw a user was complaining about this as well (Vertigo's comment on ... ays?page=2), except in my case score repeats on any preview or export.

  • Looks great, thanks! Definitely gonna check it out!

  • Welp, what the title says, ten names, mostly like in old arcade games I guess. Saving to/loading from local storage/file is not urgent but would be cool too!

    Tried creating it myself, found it a lil bit tough to be honest so any suggestions are welcome!