Android-Music's Forum Posts

  • Hey thanks for telling! While searching for mipmap properties I decided to check which card the exported exe runs on. It was running on integrated Intel video card. After switching to NVidia Geforce everything returned back to normal, all sprites are clean and healthy! :D

    You don't know how happy am I now! Thanks again! :)

  • Tried r132, no luck so far. Decided to leave r132 .capx just in case

    Dunno what's wrong... Ok I'll try some other things then, maybe

    i'll find a workaround.

  • Yes, I checked the "About" section

    <img src="" border="0" />

    (Sorry I had to hide my personal data to avoid unnecessary stuff)

    I'll check a bit later how does it look in r132.

    Would be great to know if I'm the only one experiencing this problem.

  • Sure, they're in the topic you closed yesterday(or coup days ago, I don't remember exactly) - Btw my drivers are 320.18 too.

    EDIT: oh, another one, right from exported .capx

    <img src="" border="0">

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Export to Node-Webkit

    Observed result:

    Some sprites are blurry

    Expected result:

    Clear, sharp, properly scaled graphics

    Browsers affected:

    No browsers, only Node-Webkit

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8, no info on service pack

    (No hardware guideline?) My machine is Acer Aspire V3, Intel Core i7 2.4Ghz, 16GB RAM, video card is NVIDIA GeForce GT 730M with 4GB VRAM,

    All drivers are up to date!

    Construct 2 version:

    r135(r133 and r134 give the same result)

    NOTE: I noticed there's no bug when you add totally new sprite, I copied one of the sprites from the main project to show you the issue. Most obvious solution is to make new version of the demo but I need to finish this one anyway, I made a lot of progress and beginning from scratch is not the best decision right now.

  • Okay, uploaded the .capx file Ashley, updated the first post! I hope you can investigate the issue now. :)

    Is everything correct now? Did I miss anything? Sorry if I'm a bit inattentive, can't do anything about that! :(

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Export to Node-Webkit

    Observed result:

    Some sprites are blurry

    Expected result:

    Clear, sharp, properly scaled graphics

    Browsers affected:

    No browsers, only Node-Webkit

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 8, no info on service pack

    My machine is Acer Aspire V3, Intel Core i7 2.4Ghz, video card is NVIDIA GeForce GT 730M with 4GB VRAM, 16GB RAM

    All drivers are up to date!

    Construct 2 version:

        r135(r133 and r134 give the same result)

    EDIT: I noticed there's no bug when you add totally new sprite, I copied one of the sprites from the main project to show you the issue. Most obvious solution is to make new version of the demo but I need to finish this one anyway, I made a lot of progress and beginning from scratch is not the best decision right now, though it's cool to rewrite the total thing to make the game structure more organized! :)

  • Sorry about that! Yeah I'm using r135 right now, screenshots were done today, using r135. Same thing was with r133 and r134 btw.

  • This happens only in Node-WebKit and there's no way to reproduce the error I think, it's more about graphics.

    I started using a laptop recently so I tried my game in different versions. Everything is ok but not when I export to Node-WebKit, here's what happens:

    This is Canvas, sprites are sharp, that's good

    <img src="" border="0" />

    This is WebGL version, hero sprites and wall cracks are blurry

    <img src="" border="0" />

    But I don't wanna use Canvas, WebGL is da best! Any workaround or fix for this, guys?

    Video card is Geforce GT730M btw.

  • Ashley, thank you very much, that's gonna be freaking amazing! :D

  • Hi guys! What do you think about adding a search bar into "Projects" window? Organizing to folder structures is awesome but if there are too many objects and folders it's rather irritating to search for particular sprite or tile or smth else, adding a search bar may make work a way lot easier!

  • Check the name of the video ;)

  • Well, campaign didn't turn out well for me - $10 but I decided not to give up, have another test video:


    Turns up it's gotta take a waaaay much longer than I planned, I'll let you know when the new demo comes up. Meanwhile enjoy screens, pics, vids! :)

  • Hey everyone! Been a long time, had troubles finding cash for living! I launched campaign 3 weeks ago hoping to get some financial support but completely failed even after contacting near 300 people and game magazines. Many people really liked this project and even spread a word, original prototype was featured at Coin Arcade

    Guys, I need some help, I need at least to reach $700 so I could buy a drawing tablet and make living for some time at least, that will accelerate development and improve my art style a lot!

    If you feel like you wana support me, I'd be very grateful for your help!

    And to make this post look less like "help me Imma need sum moneh" take this! Don't forget to check my trailer from the previous post if you haven't already! Oh and btw, I'm inviting to Newgrounds demo beta test soon so drop me a line if you wanna have an early look at my WIP demo!

  • But wait, I don't wanna use mp3 inside my game, I wanna stream it from few sites of mine, does that count too? I've seen a lot of html5 mp3 players like Soundcloud, you wanna say they pay $2.5K for that too?

    (...I may have misunderstood something...)

    EDIT: took a careful look. Daaaaaam that's a great pity, I had big plans...