ALLMarkMade's Forum Posts

  • 99Instances2Go - I have not tried it yet but I wanted to thank you either way for your help. I see you (and others) on here all the time giving back what you have learned and I strive to be as good one day so I can do the same.

    Much appreciated thank you.

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  • Hey guys I know I have been really needy lately and I thank you for your patience. I'm trying to work on something with my kids so I'm trying not to look too dumb in front of them.

    Here is the Capx:

    How can I make this so it only asked the question once if you've answered it correctly already? If you leave and come back I don't want the user to have to answer the same questions again just to get to the new ones.

    Also is it possible with this set up to add more TXT files and have it look for them randomly or even by category would work too?

    Just get me started and I'll put the work in no problem.

    Thank you in advance for your time.

  • Yeah you're probably right it was an old capx that somebody posted and I tweaked it to do what I wanted to do with it. It was already set up for the ability to do 10 layouts so i used it as my guide and made it for 30. It could work though if i can figure this part out.

    Thank you for your time.

    Do you have a guide for your way?

  • Ok, guys I really need your help. I've tweaked it as much as I can figure out but I'm not quite sure how to pull it all together. I feel I'm close but off. What I'm trying to do is make a random layout trivia type game. I want to make and be able to add blocks of questions easily so I'm setting it up this way. (There is probably an easier way but I don't know it so here ya go). Once you get the first 10 question correct you move on to the next 10 and so on as the questions get harder.

    I can do the first random 10 layouts but I can't seem to make it move on to the next set and so one. I want it to the point of just adding the sections and coming up with the questions.

    Here are the Capx of what I've done so far, this was not my initial file, someone shared the capx and so I used it as a guide:

    As always thank you in advance for your help

  • Fair enough thanks

  • thank you for taking the time but for some reason, it's not working...

    Must be the long hours at work going in a 3am.

    Thanks again

  • Ok thank you I will try that... Thank you so much...

  • I have several colored blocks for backgrounds and all I want to do is when the game starts is to tile one in from the family folder. Right now it's adding them all so it's just a rainbow of blocks for the background. I just want it to use one at a time on start of layout and use a different one each time you start the game.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • Me too...

  • Casimir - Ok thanks, just to be clear in my asking the right question to get the right answer. I want the user of my game (App) to be able to change out the game pictures so they can play the game with their own pictures they have on their smartphone.

    Think of the candy crush game icons I want them to be able to replace those game icons and play with their own personal pics.

    Still the same response???

    Thank you

  • imhotep22 absolutely and I'm sure it's me... As long as I have been doing this you would think I could figure it out. I'm sure I'm over thinking it. I'll keep at it and post if I can't get it but I want to try a few things first.

    Thank you very very much.

  • There has got to be a way to set this up so it keeps track and stores the HIGH SCORE and any score lower than the HIGH SCORE.


  • imhotep22 I thank you for your time but either I'm doing it wrong or it's not working for me.

  • Ok friends, I have tried this 100 different ways for 2 days. What I am trying to do is keep track of the HIGH SCORE which is working fine, but also the last score attempt that was less than the high score. So if the high score is 300 and on your next try you get 289 it also stores and keeps track on that score as well to help the user have an idea of how close they are coming to beating their high score.

    I have the VARS:




    I know it's probably simple and I'm sure one of the many ways I had it was close but I'm stumped and I'm muddying up the code.

    Just in case:

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • You could cool the bullet shake when the enemy shake is happening. Stop the bullet shake when the enemy shake is going on and restart it when it stops. However I'm not sure how a mag of 1 can override a mag of 15.

    Sorry if I'm not understanding.