ALLMarkMade's Forum Posts

  • gfigueroa, Yes I did see your link but that was (to my understanding) a pause button. I need something that when the game ends/resets the Spawn clock (Every X) starts from 1 so I don't have a thousand spawns if I'm reading the intro screen.


  • Ok I will try that thank you....

  • I'm still learning and I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong. I think I'm just going to start from scratch and make sure I organize and implement things a little better.

    I did see the Every X seconds options but not after I set the IsPause.

    I'm confused I'm sure.


  • mepis

    I think I have it set up according to what you said to do but I do not understand this part...

    Add the extra condition, if IsPaused = 0 AND Every X Seconds

    I understand it I don't know how to implement it. I don't see this option anywhere.


  • Thank you... I will give this a shot, as long as I have a good direction I can figure it. I'll let you all know thanks for the help.

  • I kinda fixed that problem and from reading all your suggestions I'll have to work on how I implement things. However, now my new problem which I think is part of the original question is the every random Secs.

    Even when everything is paused (or so I think) the random Secs keep counting. So even when I'm on the intro page everything is still spawning (Not moving but spawning) so when I click the play game i'm over run with spawns.

    So if I leave it on the intro page for a while I have more spawns then I can handle.

    BTW, the Pause Plugin did not work or I couldn't make it work.

    Thanks in advance as I am still learning an probably could havelaid everything out much better.

    Thanks again

  • If I have two objects overlapping/touching each other for more than 5 seconds then I want to destroy one of the objects.

    The reason I'm wanting this is because in my game I have multiple sized objects coming down a funnel like path and some times they jam up and just pile to the top so I figure with a good destroy it will get things moving again.

    How can I set this?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Oh wow, ok, thank you, I will check it out...

    Much appreciated...

  • I use web storage that's the best way I've found.

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  • I created an intro layer page for a help menu. It's the first thing you see/read on game load before you click the button to play the game.

    While in game play there is a help button to take you back to the intro just in case you really do need to read the how to info of the game.

    However, when you click the button to bring up the menu and then click the button on the menu to get back to the game it restarts the game.

    So any points you may have collected are lost. Plus if you get into a tight spot you can use it as an exploit to not lose a life and keep your score.

    How can I make it so it pauses the game while you look and the help menu and then when you click back it starts right in the same place?

    I have tried setting the time value and the layer value (Yeah that one was a disaster) but nothing works. Also on 1st load while looking at the menu I don't wont the game to run in the background until you hit the play game button.

    Thank you in advance...