ALLMarkMade's Forum Posts

  • For some reason the first time I uploaded my app to the Android Market I was able to download it to my phone, but after I made some changes, re-uploaded, and published it to the market, now it's saying my phone (Samsung) in incompatible.

    Is there anything I could have done to cause this?

    WEEKS on an app that I can't even get on my own phone???

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • Draimond - Thanks

  • Same issue. please let me know if you get the answers I can't seem to work out score submitting either.


  • oh wow I didn't know that. Cool, thanks.

  • I love this game I play it all the time...

  • Yep! 99Instances2Go - FIXED!!!! I just need to give it a little love after pushing it so hard.... Thanks for the look lennaert but clearing the Storage did the trick.

    Now after 4 days of fussing, I can get back to business.

    Thank you

  • 99Instances2Go - Cool thank you I will and you might be correct, I have about 20 version and I made a lot of tests and changes so it could have very well gotten corrupted...

    Thank you, I'll let you know....

  • 99Instances2Go - Thanks but that didn't do anything. It's almost like the value for the keys are not being stored. I have an older version of my game from when I first did the local storage and it works fine. This is a copy of that and it will not work. The text goes immediately to NaN when it at least to display "0". I don't know what changed.

    Does anyone see anything missing from the code I posted??? This should work, right?


  • I've been at this for 4 days and I can't figure out what I did wrong. I actually had it working, but tried to add some custom fonts and it went crazy. I was able to get it back to "0" which meant it was at least reading it, but now I'm just getting an NaN result when I call the LC for the text.

    Am I missing something???

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  • PixelPower - I did it even easier so I hope it is still a good method. I wanted something simple and you gave me that.

    I just simply did:

    On object hit (Instead of destroy) I set it to invisible and collision disabled and with the power up I just turned it back on. When I saw what you did it clicked...

    Thanks so much I can have a beer thanks to you...

  • PixelPower - SAY WHAAAAAAAAAT.... checking it out now and thank you. I have been working night and day on this game and this is the first time I couldn't work through the issue. Whether it works for me or not you're a life saver for jumping in so fast to help.

    It's much appreciated and I'll let you know.

    Thank you.

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  • I'm working on a simple Break Out like game. What I'm trying to do is as a power up you can replenish a row all at once. So as that last line is being broken through you can use a power up to repopulate the row.

    I was hoping for a simple method. I can't think of any way to do this in a group like way. I wanted to try to randomly fill in the missing spots one per power up but I know that will be a nightmare, but I'll settle for destroying what's left of a row and spawning a new row.

    Thank you in advance.

  • OK, ok, thank you I will try that. That makes since.

    Thank you

  • Ok people, first off Happy Mother's Day to any game making Mothers out there.

    Here is what I'm facing. I'm working on an Infinite Runner game but I'm haveing trouble spawning objects and they match the road movement speed.

    Please let me explain: I have the road and the background set to *dt speed which is fine, however, I want to gradually speed up that speed time so it looks like my player is moving faster. (You'll see in the sample) The problem I'm facing is I can't make the pitfalls match the speed so they look like they are on the road and not floating across it.

    One is an oil spill and the other is a sink hole so they need to look and move with the road speed once they spawn to look like they're one with the road. I should mention they have bullet behaviors.

    A few things to note as well before you look, I am still working on the graphics and sounds, some of the graphics (Buildings and Cars) I did not do but eventually will get replaced with my own works. Player animations I did do and I have set it to go from slow to very fast for testing purposes eventually I want the speed to be gradual the more blocks you run.

    See for yourself




    Thank you in advance for any help

  • Amazing and you made it look so easy. This is how the vid tut did it but he added so much other stuff I couldn't sift through it.... This is what I need, thank you so and to all that offered help and advice it was all very useful.