ALLMarkMade's Forum Posts

  • When I play my game as an app, or in the remote review feature all the sounds lag by about a half-second. I've made sure the files a very small, I've made sure they are in the sounds folder (Not the music folder) and I've moved them all to the top of the sequence order, yet it is doing the same thing.

    Are there any settings I can try? This is my first game with C3 that I've tested to this extent so I would like to make sure it doesn't happen for future creations as well.

    Thank you in advance...

  • Wow, it's been a long time since I've been here and everyone's work has really improved. Impressive job on the game it looks amazing.

    Can you share how you're making the video for the game demo? What software are you using for that?


  • Graphics look amazing...

  • I do appreciate it and this does help at least I know it's not my PC. I put a clamp on both to tails but maybe it's not short enough I'll start there and work backwards and see what happened thanks.

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  • I just uploaded a game to the arcade and had an issue with the audio I thought was fixed but it's doing it in the arcade as well. For whatever reason, at different times the music starts to drag and then the audio start to slow/drag and get staticky like a worn out record. I've never experienced this before.

    I have removed ALL unnecessary files.

    Retweaked each line to make sure everything is correct.

    Turned off everything that's not supposed to be running until I need it to.

    Change the music to see if the loops are corrupted.

    I've done just about everything I can think of.

    I'm lost...

    I'm here because I'm worried it might be my PC going bad (HOPE NOT) so if some of you can see if you have the same trouble I'll at least know it's not my PC and try to go from there.

    Here is the arcade link please let me know if it happens to you...


  • Is there a way to keep the cursor in the layout. I'm making something like a point and click game and if I overshoot I'm clicking outside the layout on to program icons and opening them up.

    Thank you in advance as always...

  • Yes I figured that's what I would have to go back and do. I thought maybe there might be a check box I was missing to allow it to stay. I have so many already I was trying to keep the code as clean as possible but I guess a few more GV's won't hurt...

    Thank you very much

  • Hello family, for some reason the I. V. I have on my player go to zero when the player dies and I need them to stay until I actually restart the game. I'm comparing Items collected during the game to see if the player is getting more or the enemy. It's just for show not trying to save or store I just want to see them both on the screen until I hit try again in which case all the Vars reset and the game starts again.

    Is it possible to keep it from going zero or is that a default of the I.V. being on the player who gets destroyed at the end of the game?

    Thank you in advance for your time...

  • MoscowModder - Thank you for your feedback and those are exactly the things I wanted to know. I started making it for an app then just fell into PC mode so you can use the mouse to click to move if you're on a PC. I didn't really test it for mobile even though it started that way.

    Everything else you said is right on the money and I certainly appreciate your time and well thought out comments.

    I will definitely be updated it soon. I had already had in mind to do a 10-second smash all, and a avoid animals and pedestrian crossing the road thing.

    You think something like that?

    Thank you so much.

  • Hey, all I just uploaded my lasted game to the ARCADE and would love your feedback. If you have a moment please check it out and let me know what you think.

    Your thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated Constructive or otherwise.

    Thank you in advance...

  • Another Great One Andy...

  • Well, good luck because I think it's great. Very well done and different from anything else I've seen.

    What software did you use to make the video that came out nice as well?

    Thumbs Up!

  • Ashley Thank you very much.

  • Are there any tutorials, Vids or anything to show how to implement and use the XBOX Plugin? It would probably make for the hottest Youtube video if someone does have the info. I'm not really finding anything that really guides from start to finish.

    Anyone out there willing to share how they did it if you've already published something?

    Thank you in advance.

  • 99Instances2Go - You do amazing work I am going to dig all into this and learn as much as I can.

    Thank you again...