ALLMarkMade's Forum Posts

  • Yeah I feel like a chump I figured it out late last night. Thank you for your time.

  • Is it possible to rotate a tile (one block) after it has been added with the time map tool or do I have to make a tile for each direction I want to create?

    Example: A path that goes straight down... But then I want a path the goes straight across can I use the same down block and just rotate it?

    Thank you in advance for your time.


  • LittleStain

    switching global variable - Hmmmm I'm not familiar with that I tried a groups with a variable set to 0 group deactivated and 1 group activated. The AI path finding I understand but I can't seem to make either only go one space and stop. I'm using your example as a guide.

    Thanks for your time though.

  • LittleStain - Ok I know you've been hit with this one a lot and I appreciate your time so I'll be quick. How do I make it so the green block can only move once then stop, and then the AI Let's say a purple block takes a turn moving toward the green block position and stop. So the other one cannot move until after the other ones turn. How do I make the AI block do this on it's own?

    Group activate and then deactivate maybe? Is it possible?


  • Still working on the animations and more body parts but for just really learning how to draw the results I want I'm pleased.

    Thanks in advance for your feedback

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  • Are you asking how to export it to Android with crosswalk?

  • I have tried Physics, *dt, Bullet, Gravity, Force and anything else I can think of. I'm sure it's the way i set it up in the first place that it limiting my options.

    What I'm trying to do is on mouse over (Or for the app On Touch) is make each balloon whoosh back into the air as if a gust of wind has blown under it. That part I almost have, (I wish it was a little more air like but maybe I'll get that.)

    The problem I'm having is making it randomly come down at different speeds each time its pushed back into the air I want it to come back down sometimes slower, sometimes faster not just drop rapidly.

    How do I do this???

    Been at this for days and it's probably simple but I think I over thought the process.

    Here are the capx

    Any help is appreciated thank you

    The object of the game it to keep as many balloons in the air as possible without letting them touch the grass.

    There will be no re spawn once the the balloon is popped in the final game. I just set that to test it.


  • YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Made it passed the first level...

  • The best way I guess is to show you. Here is the link to my game online that I'm using for testing...

    The pitfalls in my games are random orbs that come out and when they hit the shields is does something to the shield (make it smaller, freeze it, make it inadvisable, etc..)

    I have these in place but the problem is I didn't think it was fair if the turret could not avoid them or only the player was penalized for getting hit by them.

    I want the turret to have to take the same risk of moving it's guard to avoid them as the player...

    I hope this makes more since...

  • Emerson97

    Let me know if you get an answer I'd like to try it with my game as well...


  • I'm just curious if there is a way to make the turret turn away from an incoming object to avoid getting hit by it. BUT, still go after the intended target? So follow the assigned target and turn away (When in range) from other incoming objects.

    Thank you in advance.

    Glad to see all the improvements going on here.


  • Wow!

  • Here is Rexrainbow link


    Couldn't figure out where to put it. I have 2 exe file one that said app.exe and is w9.exe. Do I need to open it inside the C2 folder? The funny thing is I've had this before but now I can't remember how I use it.

    Old Age...


  • Monday I'll take a time to make it for you =]

    I'll take the example that's what I'm looking for...


  • blackhornet Sorry to jump but this is close to what I'm looking for. I have two moving objects both set to path finding but looking for different moving targets. How do I also make them avoid each other? I've tried custom, making one of them a solid they just keep passing right through each other.

    Thank you in advance for your help.