ALLMarkMade's Forum Posts

  • lilvee1989

    If I understand you correctly what I did was made a small block and placed it just on the tip of the rim and made it invisible. And set it so when the ball collides with it (Solid, Immovable) it will bounce off. So in other words the ball has to go over it to hit the rim and go in to score a point.

    Play it and see what I mean - Left/right arrows to move and up arrow to jump...

    This will show you better than I can explain it.

    Good Luck

  • Ok thanks

  • zenox98

    I don't have that in my list... I have the latest update.

  • I did not sorry

  • I just turned on my new PC which is running Windows 8.1 and for some reason my game has no sound. I have sound everywhere else but when I play my game NO SOUND. Is this a C2 thing, maybe I need another format for my files other than ACC and OGG or is it me and my PC?

    If you know please tell me and I thank you in advance.

  • A0Nasser

    It needed to be Linear, that cleared it right up thank you and the thank you your advice was needed as well I really need to put the quality work into it if I want the quality work out of it.

    Thank youvery much - NOW GO BEAT MY SCORE! (if you can)


  • First thanks for the love on the game I hope to see you on the leader board soon. After following your directions I realized that I am the culprit. I tried to short cut my time from using so many sprites by building all the icons into the background that I made in Photoshop. Since everything was the right size I figured I would just make it all one background and just use transparent sprites over the buttons to make them click-able. I can now assume that the BG is just readjusting itself slightly because its all one thing instead if the normal readjusting of each sprite image.

    I will go back and save everything separately and add them in as I should have in the first place to get the best quality as I should have known better.

    Thank you again this helped a lot.

    A0Nasser It's on Point I believe. I was not sure what that did. What are the best settings to use?

    Thank you for your help it's appreciated.

  • The problem I'm having is no matter what setting I put it on my Background graphic get distorted. It's not much but I know what it's supposed to look like and it should be a lot clearer.

    Take a look at my game and see how the BG starts to look pixelated around the basketball and the icons.

    I've tried every view setting and it still does this. The BG is 800x600 and so are my margins and stage area.

    Link Here:

    I want it to be as filled to the screen as can be but I want it to look smooth and clear like it should.

    Any suggestions to fix this. I guess I could put everything on layers but I thought just making one BG would be easier was I wrong?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Hey all I would love for you to give me your thoughts on my game. All thoughts are welcomed and appreciated since we're all here to learn from each other.

    Keep The Basketballs from touching the court.

    Carefully TIP the balls in the air and maneuver them to the baskets and try to score.

    Keep your eyes on the ball and don't FOUL OUT!!!

    I thank you in advance.

  • I HAD SOOOOOOOOO MUCH FREAKIN' FUN PLAYING THIS!!!! A little slow pace for me but over all great animation and effects, sounds and what I love the most was the fact that you couldn't move and shoot at the same time which makes you raise you skill level to stay alive.

    I want to learn the repeating screen effect because I want to use it in the future.

    Nice Work

  • I got everything working but the Facebook add friends function and the tweet function. I did manage to get all the set up to actually add it to Facebook but I'm just getting a blank white page. No errors and I can see the icon at the bottom but my page is not visible.

    I'm not sure if it's C2, Clay or both...

    Let's keep each other post with any fixes,


  • I got it thanks... Global Variables were the answer.

  • TheDom

    Okay wow, I actually have a Google Dev account for my android apps. Is this only for apps though? I didn't know you could put HTML5 games on it. I did however figure out the clay.IO but I and having some errors now. It was working and then it started acting up. Getting the 3rd party error at times... Really makes the game play not fun

    I will look into this since I do already have an account.

    Thank you very much for your time it's much appreciated.

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  • blackhornet

    Ok thanks very helpful

  • TheDom

    Ok thanks I tried the clay and when I clicked on Leader board (#2) there is no option to add leader board. At least I'm not seeing it. I followed the instruction from the post but I'm not seeing it.

    Thank you.