scidave's Forum Posts

  • I'd strongly recommend using PodSixNet or Mastermind. They wrap socket and deal with marshaling data. It will save you tons of time versus reinventing the wheel.

    From what I read in your code, you are trying to redo a part what PodSixNet already does for you. You will quickly find that your code (at least as it is written now) doesn't handle data as well as PodSixNet.

  • You can do the same thing with PodSixNet. The tutorial describes the scenario you are talking about, but there is more Python code so probably harder to understand.

    When you send a message you do something like:

    connection.send('action':'move' coordinates, etc)

    The event would be:

    def Network_move(self,data):

        ....code that does stuff to "data" with a message "move"

    It is all very similar, but just harder to understand at first. If you take a couple passes through the tut you should pick it up..but you need to have some basic Python skills already to fully use it.

  • Thanks for the offer Jayjay. I really need someone to try to compile it in Visual Studio 2012 with the compilation target of XP - 2012 so it can be more platform neutral.

    I thinking there is some type of incompatibility with VS 2012 and the COnstruct SDK or it is something with the new version of ENET no longer working with the plugin and I will have to manually go through the pain of troubleshooting (which took days with the original plugin). Have to put print statements all over the place with a painful compile, copy plugin, and run scenario.

    I just wanted to get a feel that other folks have built CC plugins with VS 2012 to rule out that issue.

  • Unfortunately run into an odd bug when trying to update this plugin. I'm using VIsual Studio 2012 and get errors on:

    Edittime.cpp. In particular CArchive which is referenced. This makes sense because it is a MFC class...I just have no clue why this wouldn't have thrown an error earlier.

    I managed to fix that error by using the "bin" class instead, but during rundown the plugin crashes. It has been forever since I've coded this plugin so maybe I'm missing something, but very odd that the project wouldn't just compile fine right off the bat...I even used Visual Studio 2010 compatibility mode.

    Anybody that has done plugin development have a thought on this? I hate that it is difficult to debug plugins...

    EDIT: Also, an odd note that when importing the plugin (this even has issues with the plugin SDK) it does not include Edittime or ConstructSDK.ref in the build. Once I add constructSDK.ref into the build I get a warning that it can't find unique match for symbol "GetInfo".

  • Just saw this thread...looks really exciting! Looks like you are making this plugin exactly like it needs to be..nice and high level!

  • This is the Construct CLassic need to ask your question in the C2 forum. The text to speech plugin discussed was for Construct Classic.

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  • May be possible using emscripten:

    I haven't quite wrapped my brain around how this would work and if it needs WebRTC to facilitate talking to the networking library. Perhaps something like Bananabread game demo which actually uses an ENET core.

    All of this is probably too time intensive for me to even answer practically is no right now.

  • >> SciDave's Network CC plugin looks pretty low level, being packet-based (e.g. "GetToken(Network.PacketData,1,":")")

    Realize this is an old thread...but my plugin is actually message based. You define the type of message by defining a key word "position" or "gameover" and then I used CC's built in Token function to search for the keyword. That is actually the super simple part.

    The hard part of building a networked game is designed the game logic around a multi-person game. That is the piece that would be helpful for the plugin to manage at a higher level and hopefully C2 takes some of that burden away from the user vs how I did with the CC plugin.

  • WOW...playerelite... that is an awesome game. Gives me some inspiration for updating the plugin.

  • Hi MrMiller,

    I'm going to take a crack at updating it to run stable on Windows 7 without compatibility mode. I just gotta setup a Windows 7 computer to start development on it again. Then gotta get my dev environment set backup. I've mostly been procrastinating...but work has been crazy. :-)

  • If you have Firefox Nightly build or Chrome you an play realtime gaming using WebRTC Data Channels.

    WebGL/WEBRTC game

    WebRTC code example

    Edit: I edited my post because after digging through the code, WebRTC doesn't quite look ready to go for multiplayer. I think it best to wait until Mozilla or somebody else makes a high level wrapper around WebRTC and that more browsers support it before we look into having an official plugin. I think we need to give it another 6 months. Still might be cool for someone brave enough to do something unofficial.

  • I wouldn't give up hope on realtime just yet for C2:

    If you have Firefox Nightly build or Chrome Canary you an play realtime gaming using WebRTC Data Channels.

    Just need Scirra to add WebRTC support as a plugin for C2.

  • p.s. Have no plans to break old games w/ update. Will release update to old version (at some point :-) then a new plugin that does probably break old games if I really deem that worthwhile.

  • I've sold off my main computer and using Linux right now. Would have to stand up a new Windows VM. Honestly, seems like with CC being retired there isn't going to be much demand for me to continue. But I'd still like to fix a few bugs just because it is my baby. :-) Still have plans to do a basic upgrade of plugin...but I work 12+ hr days and just not a lot of time nowdays.

  • Congrats! Good to see you having success with this game.