scidave's Forum Posts

  • Only the server needs to have port forwarding setup.

    An internet facing server is an computer that can be accessed from the internet by IP address or Domain name. It could be your home computer (where you enable port forwarding on your router) or it could be a dedicated server.

    You don't need to pay if you want to go the simple port forwarding approach.

    Here is a link that shows port forwarding:

  • Pretty sure you cant import anything gui into the construct window, but you can open other windows .

    Yes you can open other windows (perhaps a transparent one too :), you could do an overlay on the Construct Window so it appears that what you are displaying is in the same window..I think Rojo showed a .cap of this. I haven't tried it myself.

    As far as using PyGTK read the tutorials on this link:

  • Hey Soldjah! Alas..I have been so busy with work I haven't look at it for the past two weeks. I'm going to have to just throw up a network analyzer and do lots of packet captures to see what might be the problem.

    Until then I would highly recommend not sending floats across the wire (in my example I'm not casting to int before sending which I should) and not sending updates every frame. Both of these, but especially sending every frame suck down mega bandwidth.

    In the next release I might turn on rate limiting control. Right now it is auto controlled..I might have it configurable for the user so if they know that clients only have 56Kbs you can limit it to that.

    Other things you can do to help...make your states as short as possible. For example, when sending a player position update.. Call the position "p" and check against this vs spelling it out. That will save 7 bytes of data per frame, etc...

  • My additional suggestion:

    - function to send binary data.

    How would you propose using this? How would you expect the data be read in?

    Jayjay - I'll make the update and test it out..hopefully it solves the problem..if not I'll have to dig deeper with wireshark and maybe do another testing session with you.

  • Hi Jayjay,

    Am I correct that it only affects when initially establishing a connection? If that is the case, I think it can be solved with updating how the server assigned player numbers and also smartly not sending a flood of packets to all incoming clients when they are trying to join up. I've run into an odd bug where I can't get the server to send an update to just the current client...haven't had time to troubleshoot yet. I'll give it an hour or so this weekend and see if I can't find a solution. :-)

  • Hey All,

    - Add condition "on server full"

    Good suggestion. I'll have to think about this one a little...maybe a lowlevel error code when connect fails.

    - 3rd Parameter of action "connect" can use any channel without not listed. For example: 1-st and 8-th channel is used.

    I'm not sure it makes sense to look at channels when you first connect as the only point of specifying the # of channels to use is to match the number of the server. At this point you wouldn't know which channels are being used. So the number when connecting is not the channel to use but the maximum number to use.

    The reason I listed the 4 channels is to offer some guidance on how the channels might be used for communication. The main point was to make sure people didn't send reliable and unreliable comms on the same channel. The only special channel that the plugin uses is channel 0. All of the other channels are open for the user to use as they see fit.

    There might be some value in having each client talk to the server on their own channels..for example you want to broadcast out to team 1 chat messages..but that could probably be programmed in using server messages.

    You could handle keeping track of which channels are being used by having an array/hashtable for the channels mapped to the clients.

    There are a maximum of 255 channels that you can allocate (although I doubt you need to do more than 4 or so in practice).

    So a proper scheme might be for a 4 player game (2 teams) would be 6 channels:

    0: Built in messages and main state change messages to all clients

    1: Global chat messages

    2: Chat Team 1

    3: Chat Team 2

    4: Position Updates

    5: Reliable Updates

    If congestion is a problem then you could always use a separate channel per client for position and reliable updates but I don't think it is necessary. I'd play around with it and see if you notice any game speed improvements.

    - add condition "on server host" and "on server host failed".

    Good suggestions as well.

    p.s. I've looked into that bug..hasn't been obvious the problem but it appears related to establishing a connection. So I've instead focused my efforts on building a new version of the plugin that handles connections. Been busy lately and haven't been able to work on the plugin though.

  • > bec i think i am doing something rong?

    I believe in helping people to fish for themselves...especially on something that is easy enough to solve.

    Post what you are doing, what errors and somebody can point you in the right direction. This is a non-standard request so I don't think somebody is going to research it, program, debug, and solve it all for you.

  • > the python does not work it keep giveing me some errors

    What errors are you having, what type of library did you use, can you post a snippet of the code that caused the error?

  • win8 isn't supposed to be released until late 2012 so I wouldn't feel too bad.. it is still a year out.

  • Try it out and see! It appears to be possible..but if you have an account you can tell if it uses HTTPS or not.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I am still skeptical of how well the regular desktop will function considering it will be an app, that usually translates to slower. At least it does in my experience.

    Your thinking about the regular desktop the wrong way. Think about the Metro Desktop app like a HTML5 program calling a fast C++ program. The actual desktop is still C++ and blazing isn't any slower that the old one. The only thing that is slower is launching of the desktop, but the human eye can't tell the difference in speed.

  • All these recent posts have been full of WIN!!! Really liking the look of DravenX's Othelia eeriness and that game layout that Rockwell showed..looks pro.

  • I just installed the Win 8 developer preview on one of my laptops. First impressions is it is pretty slick. I liked the Metro interface for quickly running apps and the browser. The overall speed was nice and as Ashley mentioned you get the regular desktop by clicking the desktop app. It was a little harder at first to find all the stuff I normally use, but after about an hour or two I had it down. One awesome service is the Azure platform where you can have online games using Microsoft's cloud.

    I disliked that you can't exit apps without going to task manager, but maybe that is because it is a preview build. The IE10 browser while nice it takes the whole screen is nowhere as convenient as tabbed browsing, etc..which is why on 8 they have two browsers. On a desktop I'd never use the Metro IE10.

    One odd thing is I can't login to on my WIndows 8 box. I tried both IE browsers and Chrome on Win 8. Odd....

    Overall, I think 8 will be a hit. I wonder if Construct 2 will have an exporter for Metro apps since HTML5 is one language that can be used to build Metro apps. That would be awesome.

  • Yeah sounds like he wants them to login to this website:

    via the app and then do something with that.

    It is for sure possible with Python and maybe possible with HTTP object as the site does not appear to require HTTPs authentication.

  • Almost all of the info is in the tutorials. Just need to dig through them better and search for examples as well on your topic.

    I will say that making a local or network 2-player game is significantly harder than a single player game so there are not many examples of that...