Did you download apk from google play (alpha) or local apk?
If local apk, try download apk from google play (alpha).
Sorry to keep bothering you, I will get this figured out soon, I promise!
Where I am stuck now, the example_phonegapgame_requires id.capx that is in the game plugin, I was testing it, not using any more plugins.
I entered my leaderboard_id where it tells me to, Export it, open it up in XDK, enter this in my additions.xml
"<!-- caution: copy this to intelxdk.config.additions.xml and replace YOUR_GOOGLE_PLAY_GAME_APP_ID -->
<intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="game" intelxdk:value="https://github.com/cranberrygame/com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.game" intelxdk:id="com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.game">
<intelxdk:param intelxdk:name="APP_ID" intelxdk:value="6********6" />"
After entering that, I build the game and upload it as an Alpha build. When I download it from the store, I get this error after running the app: "*Unknown Error." Then the trigger "Login Failed."
Am I missing something with Intel XDK? The only thing I change in the copy/paste to the .xml is the "YOUR_GOOGLE_PLAY_GAME_APP_ID" part. Am I supposed to be changing the APP_ID to something also?
The Error is popping up when I start the app and click the "LOGIN" button that is in the demo.capx mentioned above, and it shows the google play sign in, then loads for a second and then pops the error "*Unknown Error."
Sorry to keep bothering
cranberrygame and