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  • In this case, you may have to paste it to a binary file... Take a look at this post.

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  • To be honest the example made me more confused than before, as the "left click" is really overwhelmed with actions;

    But one thing I noticed is the "HoldingDownDuration" only resets if I hold the button down for two seconds (not necessarily consecutive seconds). This means that every little click sums up to this total and thus may cause some trouble.

  • Good evening, StarFalls!

    Whenever I am on mobile, I edit the object's properties via the sidebar.

  • Good evening, Lluucckkyy!

    Someone else may have a better way of doing it.

    To upload a file into a project I believe you'd need a FileChooser object. Use its "FileChooser.FileURLAt" to make a Sprite load an image from a URL. It's not perfect but that's how I'd do it.

  • Good evening, abdullah3254!

    You may want to create an object and set it as bullet behavior, then spawn it in your launcher object. There are plenty of examples teaching how to use bullet behavior, take a look at them.

  • Good evening, KURENANI!

    I am not an expert, but if you share your project, me or someone else may be able to help you.

  • Good evening, yugot91!

    I went searching about the subject but someone else may have a better solution.

    Seems the touchpad mimics the mouse wheel, so you may have luck using the "Mouse.WheelDelta" from the mouse plugin. It is not much but I hope it helps.

    Stay safe

  • Good evening, mikeadamski26!

    I haven't played these games and probably wouldn't know much about the style of game that you'd be looking to create, but I'd like to add my 2 cents.

    I believe you will have to understand the base knowledge of the data files such as JSON, arrays, and stuff.

    Assuming that you've taken a look at the built-in game examples, you'll eventually find some other material on the site's tutorials

    If you're willing to spend some money, the Data+ plugin from OverBoy would be an easy help.

    And to make my 2 cents at least 3 cents, you may find some decent graphic assets at the Kenney site, they're free.

    With luck, you can also pick some themed royalty-free pictures from sites such as Pixabay or Pexels.

    I know it is not much but I hope it helped. Stay safe;

  • My workaround is to use software to draw the maps, like Tiled, and import the layers as .png images into the project. With the movement, I believe you'd be able to use Tween behavior. Not sure if it helps.

  • Interesting info, thank you for sharing

  • Good evening!

    your workaround with "tokenat" turned out great. I've been testing it so far and in my case, it is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you a ton.

  • Good evening, everyone.

    (Sorry for being a math noob)

    I am creating some incremental mechanics and I noticed something about working with large numbers;

    Incrementing the number by 10 will eventually call for a scientific notation.

    At some point, the number X gets to Xe+21 which is alright, but then it turns out to X.9999999999999995e+25 and I wanted to know ...

    How do I get rid of this fraction?

    | Global number Variable‎ = 0 + System: On start of layout -> System: Set Variable to 4 -> Text: Set text to Variable + Keyboard: On A pressed -> System: Set Variable to Variable×10 -> Text: Set text to Variable

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