Hello! I have 1 year experience making games, you can check some of my previous work on my website: http://www.doringamesstudio.com/ . My rates are very convenient. Feel free to contact me on skype: remus.brahasteanu or email: remus.brahasteanu@gmail.com .
All the best, Remus
Here is the link to the game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... tudio.flck
Try it! It's super fun!
No problem, I'm glad it turned out well!
I'm not trying to be mean, but what you are asking is irrelevant since multiplayer integration is in fact very complex just as the manual says and can't be used with a template only by changing a few things since it is very content related.
What he means is if the game is online multiplayer or hot-seat?
Is it multiplayer?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Well there's already 2 solutions
It's pretty difficult for me to fix this without testing and I see no1 else is responding so it's not just me. You got 2 choices now, fix it yourself or find someone trustworthy that is willing to help you. I would go for the first option, it may seem impossible to sometimes, but there's always a solution.
Add right arrow is down on your 15th line and invert it. (right click on it and left click "invert", a red "X" should appear before it)
If you want to use var: global var (layout timer = 120)
system, every 1 seconds -> subtract 1 from *layout timer*
compare var, *layout timer* = 0 -> go to layout x
Did you use CORDOVA for exporting and Crosswalk for Android for building?
Member since 4 Apr, 2014