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  • Ashley thinks 3rd party platforms should develop their own plugins for C2 because they know it better? Ok, but why? C2 is great but it's not a clear leader in the field. Go around dev forums and ask what is their favorite 2d dev platform and see for yourself: C2 is never in the top 5. Which is a shame but it's a reality. My guess is that its for this reason that C2 isn't high on the list of priorities for 3rd party platforms. So I have great respect for Ashley but he's wrong on this.

    It's C2 job to follow the big players and adapt plugins so that 3rd party platforms are compatible, not the other way around. In my mind it would be like asking facebook to make a plugin for C2. Well, sorry but not gonna happen. So Google is not going to make an IAP plugin for C2 and neither is Apple.

    And I know we can buy plugins from other developers but not long ago I read a post about someone accusing some IAD plugins dev to take a 30% cut instead of the promised 2%. The official developer replied that he was aware that some people hacked his plugin and offered it for free with these sneaky cuts. Why do we have to put up with this shit? I make a game, I don't want to turn into a detective and find out what's real and what's not, who's trying to scam me or not when I already bought a licence for a software that was supposed to handle IADS?

    Same story for IAPs. I just bought the cranberry plugin because I found out that the Phonegap one was no longer supported. And guess what? It's apparently not working on IOS. Can you believe this? The platform where players spend the most isn't available to us and we have to wait for a 3rd party developers to come back from his holidays (or wherever) to fix it?

    In the end we are not asking Ashley and co to make crazy game specific plugins. We are asking for working basics from A to Z and IAP/ IAD are the most basic of all.

    Sell them for $10 each if needed and hire a junior developer to keep them up to date but enough with the stubbornness. The community is asking for it so perhaps it's time to listen.

  • I think Ashley and co are doing a disservice to their great program by overlooking and not updating their own monetizations plugins. I understand that they have a lot to do but they should at least get the basics right. How is it that in 2016 they still haven't implemented consumable in their own IAP plugin? How is it that most of us have to rely on third party plugins to monetize our game with ads or reward videos? Do they want their platform to be used by hobbyist only? Do they want the C2 logo to be synonymous with crappy games made by 10 year olds?

    Really, after having completed my first project, I am now looking around for other programs just because of these 2 plugins. I would have never done this had they shipped a complete platform. I am not the only one around to complain about it. Hanging around in other game dev groups, it seems to be a recurrent theme. Ultimately, the lack of ease of any monetization strategy for developers will be its downfall while they could have made so many more sales if C2 was known to be the easiest platform to monetise a game. But maybe they are already rolling in cash so what do I know...

  • I can't believe there is no "consume"... I mean, do they not care about the people who actually want to make a complete game? These are the things that make you want to look elsewhere...

  • Thanks signupdemo I guess I am going to take your word for it !

  • when I check my admob ads (monetize -> click on an app) I see Ad unit ID, which is entered into Ad mob.

    yeah I got that part. but if you click on "view set-up instructions" you will see your App ID . And its different from Ad units ID.

  • Did you guys ever found out where to input the App Id ( as opposed to Ad unit id) given by Admob?

  • I have read about the Admob plugin. here: https://www.scirra.com/manual/184/admob

    I have understood it well and implemented it correctly. That said, Admob provides an App ID, which is different to the Ad Unit ID and I do not know where to input it.

    It may be a huge mistake on my part but I can see it, however hard I look. Anyone can tell me where to input it? Thanks

  • unplugged

    Not sure if it is being investigated. Its been a while and no replies from the devs or Ashley .

  • Nobody's going to want to tap to shoot each individual bullet in such a fast paced genre, my wrist is aching just thinking about it.

    I loved mashing buttons on my gameboy and this is the feeling I tried to recreate. I want the player to be more involved. But I've found a way to offer both shooting mechanics in the game so I think most people will be able to enjoy the game the way they want to.


  • Problem Description

    Touch an drag and drop behavior fail after a while on Android Kitkat 4.4.2

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    A mini side scrolling space shooter. Drag and drop the spaceship and shooting while holding the shoot button

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Play the game while moving the ship around, fast as if you played the game.
    • Hold the shoot button on the bottom right corner.
    • Play until you reach a score of 4000
    • Sometimes the bug doesn't appear straight away, you have to close the app and start over

    Observed Result

    Drag and drop become less reponsive.

    Spaceship stops shooting even though your finger is still on the shoot button

    Expected Result

    Drag and drop should be responsive.

    Holding the shoot button should trigger shooting

    Affected Browsers

    • None


    Android Kitkat 4.4.2 (Samsung S4 mini. Game ran fine prior)


    Mobile Cordova

    Minimum supported OS

    4.0+ Ice Cream Sandwich (Crosswalk)


    Intel xdk

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • I have just upgraded my android phone to the latest android kit kat version and I have noticed a drop in performance for my C2 game.

    Also the status bar stays on top after changing the volume. Before it used to disappear.

    Anyone with the same performance issue since the latest android update?

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  • Yes, I have worked around it already, just wanted to inform you just in case.


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Member since 20 Mar, 2014

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