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  • Problem Description

    Sprite is spawned from left side of other sprite instead of the specified image point.

    Attach a Capx

    https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4 ... ile%2ccapx

    Description of Capx

    A red sprite spawns (shoots) a blue sprite from its origin every 0.5 seconds.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Step 1: Drag the red sprite to the left as if you tried to push it off screen. The red square is bound to layout
    • Step 2: Move the red sprite up and down as you try to push it off screen

    Observed Result

    The red sprite spawns a blue sprite from its left side.

    Expected Result

    The red sprite should shoot a blue sprite from its origin.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8

    Construct 2 Version ID

    R227 (64 bit)

  • Wenutz Game looks great I saw the video, however most mobile gamers don't buy games they download free games with ADs. The gamers that do buy games its from big companies like gameloft.

    PixelPower Thanks for the feedback.

    It's my first game so every advice count!

  • Would you pay for this mobile game, if yes how much?

    Does it look fun to play?

    Youtube video:


  • Hi guys, I am creating a game app. It is a Side scrolling space shooter (R-type-ish).

    The game will be released as an app so it will be for mobile and tablet users.

    Players will have to tap in order to shoot. This is very different from most (if not all) space shooter apps where you simply have to tap&hold to shoot.

    I am wondering whether I should follow their lead and use the same mechanics. What say you?

    I decided to force the user to tap because this is the way I wanted to play the game. I find tap&hold too easy and not challenging enough for a game; but I may be wrong. How many of you would rather tap2shoot than tap&hold?

  • Thank you all for your input.

    I will go for the FREE complete game as you all suggest.

  • You are a boss. unfortunately your effects are way too cpu intensive for apps and my shitty pc.

    It runs at 21 to 30 fps on my sony vaio, i5.

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  • Hi guys,

    I am looking for some input from the pros.

    I am publishing my app soon. What pricing model and strategy should I go for?

    I know I would be offering a FREE version of the game but I am wrestling with two different strategies:

    Free lite version + Paid complete version VS Free complete version

    What do you think would be the best option to maximise revenue?

    The game comes with advertising and Iaps.

    Thanks guys

  • Do you have enough space left in your phone? It happens to quite often on my phone because of the bloatware updates.

    What I'd do is

    • emulate the game in the xdk to see if it should work on most phones

    -Try to uninstal other apps you don't need and try to install your game.

  • Wenutz - Your details is so vague and some of us don't experience this at all. You must have done something that conflicts the build. The log file actually helps even if it so long, the error details inside the log is usually at the bottom and highlighted with a red color or has a text failed right next to it. Intel sometimes don't answer messages with inadequate information and common problems that can be fixed using some tutorials, solving by yourself or third party related problems. If you ask me, the reason might be because of your third party plugins which is out of the hands of Intel.

    I tried to found the error message but there was none appart from what I wrote above. I have upgraded from beta 226 to 227. The export folder got corrupted with a huge amount of " folder" inside each others. The folder is even too big for my Bin. This is the reason why the upload Intel Server failed.

    Now all is fine. Thank you for your input anyway.

  • I use Intel XDK on a daily basis. It's just you that's having problems. I would start from scratch up to rebuilding your game from exporting in Construct 2.

    You were right. The previous export was corrupted. My computer cannot even delete it because a huge amount of folders was created and it is considered too big for the bin. Strange how things can deteriorate out of the blue

    So I guess the build failed because of this. Now it's fine with the new export folder.

  • Hi guys,

    I am having problems with building my game with Intel XDK.

    I am not sure if it is the upgrade to r227 that is the cause of this since the build log isn't really helpful:

    Build Log
    Building a Cordova 5.4.1 application.
    Using platform cordova-android 5.0.0.
    The application name is "Meteor123"
    The package name is "com.testing.meteor123"
    Preference android-signed set to true. Application will be signed.
    Using Crosswalk Embedded 16[/code:11ysho5n]
    Anyone having the same problems? I am hoping it is due to server problems at Intel and that it is a general issue.   
    I am messaged and tweeted them. no response so far.
  • Thank you all guys and girls!

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Member since 20 Mar, 2014

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