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  • Hello,

    I want a system where, using the platform behaivor, the player character jumps at the same angle the player inputs on the left analog stick using a gamepad.

    However, once they are in the air, I do not want them to be able to further alter their jump path or fall path.

    I am having trouble figuring this out, as ignoring further input on the gamepad results on them only going straight up and then straight back down, and I'm not good enough at math to it with vectors.


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  • For the record, the 2 1 4 thing is just one example. I need the game to be able to distinguish all 8 directions preferably on both an analog stick and a D-Pad.

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  • Hello,

    I am trying to make a fighting game in Construct and I wanted to know if there's any way to make Construct distinguish diagonal D-Pad inputs.

    In fighting games, things like special move inputs, jump arcs and blocking direction are all very reliant on the game's ability to tell that Back, Down and Downback (Look at your numpad and imagine it is a D-Pad or analog stick - 4, 2, 1 inputs) are all different things, and seeing as Construct 3 doesn't allow an event to be constructed as "If D-Pad Left AND D-Pad Down are pressed" I'm wondering if there's any way at all to make diagonal D-Pad inputs be recognized.


  • Hello,

    I am making a game for a game jam that requires a text parser. I am wondering if there is a way to make the Text Input feature check if the inputted text includes a word rather than making it check if the inputted text is a word.

    For example, the first thing you have to do is ask a character what their name is. Is there a way to just check if the player types in "name" rather than having to manually code in a check for every permutation of, "what's your name?" "what is your name" "do you have a name?" etc.

    ALTERNATIVELY, is there a way to make it so the player cannot input punctuation into the text input box?

  • I am using Play, no name involved. Dang

  • Hello,

    I am very deep into a project and want to change the sound effect that plays when pressing Enter/confirming. It is an RPG game, so there's probably almost a hundred different events where it plays. Yes I probably could have coded it better, but as it stands - is there any easy way for me to replace one sound effect with another other than going in and manually changing each individual event?


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