Ok two question.
One Is it possible to select a range of array to be update with a simple formula such as this array.curvalue+(5*level) and that level is in the array spot of 1,10.
Ive tried to manually update teh array through a simple expression using for each x,y of the array. And then each current value to be +5 ....this doesnt work I do not know why.
apparently the contruct two array value will not update through expression of math but just straight first value of what ever it is.
And 2nd question is that Can I use the arrays in a way to auto update itself when leveled or do i need to make a **** ton of variable to be call back n forth like dumb pirates on a sea lol
The idea here is that Once i update the array i can use the value from it for calculating the battle scene such as if you attack first check your own player power level and combine it with your own ability and then hit the enemy but wait let check the enemy array defense value to reduce the damg done.
Ive done it before not using array but id like to do so in a smallish functional way without doing hundreds of events. So far with oosyrag help ive figured out how to choose the monster and have it updated the stats on the battlefield for a base stats but now i want to update its stats in relation to the chosen level.
You can set values in an array using math operators just like any other variable. Although you have to remember that array can store strings and numbers so make sure the value is a number.
EX: array.curvalue + 5 * (array.at(1,10)
This is correct. If its not returning any number then I'm pretty sure one of these expressions is not returning a number. And if it's returning just the first value and "ignoring" the math then the second expression is not returning a number. Always try to debug your expressions before anything by just replicating it on a text so you can easily see what is returning.
The second question I don't know If I understood correctly but no array or variables auto update itself like that. You have to store the new value in there. But that's all you have to do. Once updated, you just need to do math using those values updated, like the action> subtract "do Math to calculate damage using formula fed by array values