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  • Thanks for the suggestion, hehe I enjoy animating also it makes the "game" looks better :)

    Yes, everything is 1:1 same as I mentioned, position and each animation speed (they even have the same names so I could actually match them one by one.

    The problem is not just the frame-matches but also the position changed by pixel here-and-there when moving or jumping so everything is not following with some small delay.

    I think I should re-produce something more simple because I probably do something wrong or missing something if the PIN should work 1:1 without delays like I currently have.

  • Maybe someone can help me find the most efficient solution to what I'm trying to do:

    1. I have a character that is animated (frame by frame) WITHOUT a weapon.

    2. The character have many different animations (Idle, Walk, Jump, Fall, Few Attacks, etc..)

    3. The character animated in a way that it does all animations WITHOUT a weapon

    4. I've animated OVER the character (separate layers) the animated weapon to fit EXACTLY to the animations of the BASE character (without the weapon)

    The reason I didn't PIN a simple still weapon to the BASE character as image point to the hand is because it is more dynamic animated and not just rotating. (it looks much better to me as animator)


    In theory, this is what I want to do:

    Using the BASE character as the main animation (it's PINNED to a simple box for the controls)

    animate different weapons and use ABOVE the BASE character.

    Same idea goes for other elements for example: Helmets, Clothes, Armor and other parts that I can customize ABOVE the BASE character, all animated frame by frame on a dedicated transparent layer of course.


    The Problem:

    I've tried to PIN a weapon animation with EXACT same amount of animations, frames, position, speed to the BASE character animation, so it will sit above it and I will have control either to switch between other weapons if I like.

    But during gameplay while Idle, Walking and Attacking the potential of my idea looks nice!

    but after some time... I guess it's related to the fps and it's not syncing 1:1 at the same time that's I see the delay.


    What do you suggest to make this works based on the Animated Elements way I described?

    Thanks ahead! :)


  • Thanks! I'm so rusty after not using C3 for a while :)

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  • Thanks for the quick reply!

    I'm trying to combine these 3 using the OR but it's not working... what am I doing wrong?

  • Instead of doing 3 Blocks of:

    When "Attack Animation 1" has finished ...

    When "Attack Animation 2" has finished ...

    When "Attack Animation 3" has finished ...

    Can I make it more efficient in 1 block?

    Like adding OR ?

    I tried with AND "&" and it accept it, but I tried "||" and it didn't work.

    Since I have no java-script or general code in general, I may be mistake about the signs.



    To something like this?


    If it's possible in C3 can you please tell me how it's done?

    Thanks ahead!

  • Thanks, I just reported it as you suggested.

  • I'm using the latest launcher.

    both: C3 and NW.js are up to date with latest versions.

    I use the Stable version but I also tested the latest Beta just in case.

    It seems like I can't draw tilemaps using the desktop version while in the browser I can:

    I hope it's fixable, thanks ahead :)

  • Hi ALL,

    It's been a while since I used C3, I'm rusty so I wonder what I'm doing wrong here...

    I've created a new project and these steps:

    1 - Created a Tilemap object

    2 - Imported a PNG file with 16x16 grid

    3 - I set the Grid on the Tilemap to 16x16

    4 - I chose the grid tile I want to draw, and the Pencil tool

    Once I try to draw on the Tilemap area... nothing happens, I still see the Arrow mouse sign instead of the Pencil tool... I also tried the fill tool.

    I double checked that my Tilemap dedicated layer isn't locked or anything as well.


    So since I'm rusty I probably do something wrong or forgetting something...

    Can someone please tell me What am I doing wrong and how can I draw my tilemap?

    Thanks ahead!



    It seems to work fine on the normal browser (which I never used, I just checked it) but in the latest Desktop Version + Latest NW.js update I can't use Tilemaps for some reason... so I'm not sure if it's a bug on the desktop version specifically so I wonder if there is a solution beside using C3 via the Browser (no thanks).

    Any help is appreciated thanks ahead! :)


  • Thanks! that's MUCH better looking than the NW.js icon :)

    Maybe the icon file should be included in the setup of the launcher? (for future versions)

  • Alon you there is a nice Construct icon included in the download, so you can go to the properties of your C3 shortcut, select 'change icon' and navigate to the provided .ico file (note you have to re-do this if you upgrade nwjs). Not quite the smooth user-friendly option you want I know, but only takes a few minutes and the C3 Icon is much nicer than the C2 one!

    Thanks for the reply :)

    I'm afraid there is only icon.png and Windows need icon file, so I can't use it.

    Also... I think I'll just use the launcher from now on, it is the most user-friendly experience for desktop users like myself, I also suggested to add shortcut + icon for next launcher version, it will be nice.

  • This is GREAT! the launcher is very user-friendly, clean and simple!

    Thank you for this great tool for people who prefer using the desktop version such as myself.


    Suggestion / request:

    Is it possible to make a "check" option for people who like it to create a shortcut on the desktop with the C3 icon? that will be SUPER!

    For now, I do it manually but the icon is NW.js... C3 shortcut will be perfect.

    Thanks ahead!

  • Alon the main way to use Construct 3 now is with this launcher:

    Keeps everything up to date, and can easily change versions if you want in a click.

    WOW! that looks like an impressive VERY user-friendly launcher,

    I will give it a try, Thank you! :)

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Member since 20 Feb, 2014

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