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  • I have another problem by using graphics:

    If the camera isn't scrolling (if a wall is on the screen wich doesn't let the player through), but the player is moving, then the health bar is stopping and my player walks through it...

  • I have tried it now and it works with graphics, but if I use text for score, it won't work...

    Does anyone know why?

    Or is it a mistake by myself?

  • Oh, sorry for posting it twice

  • caiorosisca

    I'll try it out at once, thanks


    Thanks for your answer. The thing is, that I only want to know how to do. I'm not interested in why. Usually I am, but I think, that I only need to know how But later I will watch the video to see how it works (if I have time).

  • Thanks.

    I'm going to watch it later

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  • Hi,

    at first, I hope this wasn't asked before, but I didn't find anything about it in the forum search.

    Well, I want to make a healthbar for my game. The problem is, to get it in the left corner.

    My player walks through the levels and the camera scrolls to him.

    How can I make, that it seems that the healthbar is always in the left corner?

    Thanks in advance for answering!

  • GeometriX

    Thanks again!

    It's a good idea!

  • GeometriX

    Oh, ok


    At the moment I'm going to make the game without real time, because it's easier to make it with out, but after I finished everything else, I will add it.

    Thanks again for your help.

  • GeometriX

    So I tried it now and yes, that is what i wanted!

    My only question is:

    Can I compare:

    If tomato planted > Day = Today

    if Day = Yesterday > tomato can be harvested.

    Or is the time you set in your projekt exatly one day? I don't know because I set the harvest time to a lower number, so I haven't to wait so long.


  • > Did you try:


    > Let's say there is a button called "Load Game".

    > On Load Game clicked > Load Game

    > Go to Layout


    > Or use variables:

    > Load (check if game already loaded) = 0

    > On Load Game clicked > Load Game

    > Load = 1

    > If Load = 1 > Go to Layout

    > Load = 0


    > I didn't try it, but I'm going to do in a few minutes.

    > I hope I could help you.


    Yup, tried that. Right after it does the "Load game" action, it goes to the other layout, and ignores the next condition. makes no sense.


    If load = 1 > Goto Layout

    Load = 0

    But do this in the Layout wich loads after loading the game

    I'm trying that now and tell you if it works.

    Edit: Didn't work. Sorry



    So I have to use my full name?!

    I don't want to tell them my full name

    By using Intel XDK you have to tell them your full name, too. That's why I don't want to use it.

  • Nimmermehr7

    It's hard to stop cheating. A few weeks ago I wanted to make a online game and at the moment I'm only waiting for the multiplayer update. I didn't think about cheating. The problem is: If you'r game is downloaded really often, then someone releases a cheat app for it.

    If you have a server, then you can see if someone didn't play often or didn't win much matches online, but have great items, you could kick him then.

    And I think that the most won't cheat if there isn't any cheat app for your game.

    I haven't any other suggestion, so the onliest thing I can do is to wish you good luck to find a way, that no one can cheat in your game.

    I'm sorry

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